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                        I don't remember much. Last thing I recall was getting into Johny's car, and giving him directions to my old neighborhood. After that the lights sort of went out.

They've recently flickered back on, but everything feels distorted. I could hear soft voices and shuffling around me, but my eyes were refusing to open themselves.

Oh fuck! No. It was happening again. Someone drugged me. My body was unresponsive.

Something cold was placed atop my forehead.

Open your damn eyes Elin!

After, what felt like hours worth of struggle, I peeled my eyes open and blinked repeatedly. Daylight sent spots across my vision, and pressure to my head.

I groaned and brought my hand up to block out the light. My arm muscles felt quite similar to noodles. In my opinion.

"He's awake". An oddly familiar voice announced. A soft patter of footsteps came around the furniture I was lying on. I tensed when a finger pressed into the side of my neck.

"Hay kid, can you talk?" I didn't recognize this voice. It was deep and professional.

If I could talk I would've spoken already.

The man took my silence as a no. "Can you move your head?"

To answer his question, I slowly bobbed my head up and down.

"Okey, good. I'm going to ask you a few yes and no questions, alright?"

I nodded.

Was I in the hospital? It didn't smell like one. There was a crisp apple cinnamon aroma surrounding my senses. And unless hospitals had really comfy couches then I doubted I was in one.

"Have you recently been under influence?" The man asked.

Unless the drug Jae gave me counted, or my own narcotics, then no. I shook my head.

"Do you have a history of blacking out?"

Oh, there were too many times to count. I nodded.

"Your not experiencing any numbness right now, are you?"

My body was slowly getting It's feeling back, but some area's were still numb.I nodded my head.

"When was the last time you ate?"

That wasnt a yes or no question.

When I didn't respond He changed it up. "Have you eaten in the past two days?"

No. I shook my head.

"What about four?"

That was close enough to the time when I was at Blondie's house which meant yes. I nodded.

"Your malnourished Elin".

How the fuck did this guy know my name?

I forced my eyes back open after realizing that they had closed on their own.

A blurred face was looking down at me.

"W-ho...?" I couldn't form anymore of a sentence.

I tried to sit up, but my body felt stiff.

"Woah, woah. Hold on bud". The man said. He gently pressed a hand down on my chest. "You should stay down".

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