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I feel like I've been writing this book forever 😭😭 but anyway here's a new chapter. Enjoy.

Slight recap: Elin and Gab (Mandy's sister) were bailed outta jail by a mystery man😏 and for some reason Conn had something more important to do⬇️


              Johny aka Blondie

"So you kissed him?"

These were the first words Johny heard when he climbed into Conn's truck. The rich mf was grinning like the chesire cat from Alice in wonderland. His excitement was annoying–to say the least.

"Shut up about that". Johny snapped. "It was a stupid one time thing". He added with a growl, "And it's none of your fucking business".

"Want some advice?" Conn asked ignoring everything Johny just said.


"Good. I don't have any to give when it comes to Elin".

Johny set his chin on his palm and glared at the passing scenery. Why do I always get stuck with this child man?

Ever since Nick got the news about his dad bieng in poor health condition he was spending more and more time away from the group. Which meant Conn was the only other person Johny could depend on right now.

"What's the plan again?" Conn asked. He didn't appear nervous, but it was clear that he didn't exactly like the current course of action Johny proposed.

Johny arched his neck. "What plan?"

"We don't have a plan!" The truck jerked as Conn unintentionally lost interest in the road.

"Don't crash dipshit!"

"I'm not gonna crash!" He shouted.

"Look". Johny stated calmly. "We dont need a plan for a recon mission".

"I swear," Conn gritted. "If this thing goes south I'm gonna kill you".

"You sound like a middle schooler when you threaten someone". Johny mocked in a flat tone.

Conn's expression shifted to something serious. "I bailed on something really important for this. So–"

Johny waved his hand dismissively. "Don't worry. I'm an expert at these things".


It was child's play getting into Jae Ventis' apartment. The window–that they used last time–was unlocked. In the back of his mind Johny had a feeling Elin probably kept it that way. That's why they call it a fire 'escape' after all.

"What are we looking for?" Conn whispered. Breaking Johny from his thoughts.

"Anything suspicious".

"Be more subversive".

"I don't fucking know". Johny scowled, throwing his hands up. His only focus up until now was getting into the apartment.

Conn took a step towards the living room but Johny caught him by the front of the shirt. "What are you doing?" He hissed.

"I'm looking around–"

"There's a camera over the front door you idiot. Stay to the sides". For all Johny knew, after their last break in, Jae might've installed more. But he was gonna hope for the best. I mean, what can a man in the hospital do?

"I'm not an idiot." Conn declared. "I'm just a good guy who doesn't normally break an entrance".

"Really?" Johny lifted a brow. "You've never done anything wrong in your entire life?"

Conn clamped his mouth shut.

"Point made".

"I'll check the bedroom". Conn mumbled, gliding past Johny towards the rounded staircase.

"Yeah. You do that".

While Conn was creeping around upstairs Johny stayed close to the walls until coming to the short hallway that led to Jae's office. It was a small tidy room, so he figured it wouldn't take that long to search.

He hit the cabinets first, than the shelves, and drawers in the desk. The only thing worth noting was a outdated picture of Elin and Jae sitting infront a water fountain. Jae was smiling, but Elin had this blank expression.

Johny stashed the photo in his pocket, than moved on to the laptop at the desk. "You gotta give me something". He murmered as he fired up the screen. A warning sign flashed than a picture of snow caps came on.

Rich people are so stupid. Was his first thought when he found that Jae Ventis had no security lock. But it makes my job so much easier. He grinned and clicked on the photo icon. Halfway through his search Conn came in. "Any luck?"

"I'm not done".

"There wasn't anything upstairs".


After scanning through the pictures Johny moved on to the files, than the email histories.

"What do you expect to find on there?" Conn asked. He was hovering and it was annoying, but Johny had better things to worry about.


At this point he was just grasping for straws. There was nothing but business reports and stock files. And...an entire section titled "Ascan".

"Hay Conn".


Johny glanced over his shoulder at the man child. "Do know what Elin's last name is?"

"No idea".

"Your so helpful". He bit sarcastically.

He quick clicked the email box and a row of messages popped up.

Johny felt a flicker in his chest as he skimmed over a few of the shorter ones. "Holy shit".

"What?" Conn's head popped up next to Johny's shoulder. "What'd you find?"

"An adress," he added, "To Besty Ascan's house."


"Elin's mom".

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