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(Recap; Gab and Elin leave the hospital and Elin is about to do who knows what😂😂)

Conn                    split pov

Ever since that phone call with Johny on Christmas night Conn had been obsessively researching the topic of Sexual Assault. The more he learned the more he realised how fucking stupid he'd been. The signs were there. Elin's relationship with Jae Ventis was wrong on so many levels. The man was a creep, and probably so much more.

"I'm such a idiot". He mumbled for the trillionth time, scraping his nails through his damp hair. The idea of smashing something to pieces, preferably a certain someone's face, made Conn fidget.

He wasn't a violent person. Not in the least. But the anger in his veins felt led heavy.

You can't go around beating people Conn. He scolded, your respectable. Your a figure–

"Screw that".

He could still be Conn Pros, the son of a wealthy pure american man, and kick ass.

Not that he really needed to. Jae Ventis was out of commission surely for a long while yet.

Sighing, Conn leaned back in his office chair. Work was out of the question. He couldn't get a single damn task done without rethinking Elin's situation.

He massaged his temple and absently glanced at his phone. The screen was lit up with an unknown caller ID.

He snatched the device and answered with a breathless "hello?"

"Took you long enough". An unfamiliar voice said on the other end.

It was a girl.

"I think you have the wrong n–"

"This is Conn Pros right?"

It took him a moment to answer. "Yeah".

"Elin told me to call you".

At the mention of his young friend Conn stood up from his chair and switched the phone to his good ear. "Your with Elin?"


"Is he alright?"

Conn could have sworn Johny said Elin was staying with the angry waitress girl-Mandy. But the girl on the phone defiantly was not her.

"Eh..." her voice trailed. "He could be better".

"What does that mean?" He was pacing now. "Who are you?"

"Mandy's sister. Gab".

Conn wasn't sure if he should be relieved or more worried by the response. "Can you put Elin on the phone?"


"Why not?" He was getting impatient now.

"Look I'm calling from a station. I don't have time to explain everything. Point is, Elin said you could get us bail".

Bail? Station? What the hell was going on?

"What's the charge?"

"Trespassing, vandilization, and assault".

Conn's stomach clenched. He glanced at the clock on his computer and silently cursed a hundred times. "I wont be able to help right now".

"What?" The girl gaped.

"Is there anyone else you can call?"

"I only get one call dipshit". Shs hissed.

Conn wanted to help. He wanted it more than anything. But–he had to be somewhere else.

"I know someone who might help". The girl, Gab, spoke up. "I can't call–"

"I can call". He rushed out. "Just give me a name, phone number, and the station your in".

"His names Adam Ackerman...."



"What do you mean he's not coming?" I seethed. I wanted to know why the hell Conn Pros, the man obsessed with my well bieng, was deciding to ditch me at a damn police station.

"He said he didn't have time". Gab answered. She tapped her nails on the bench she was occupying. "Don't worry. I got us a bailer. Maybe".

"Maybe?" I hissed. I pressed a handful of paper towels to my bloody nose and tipped my head back; while keeping an eye on Gab.

"He might show, he might not".

I grunted.

"It's your fault". She snapped, losing some of her chill. "You hit that security guard–"

"He was an asshole". I pointed out.

"I get it". She tossed her arms up and laughed. Only it wasn't funny. "He was an asshole. Your an asshole. Everyone's an ass. Doesn't mean you can hit them!"

She was starting to sound like Mandy.

Like sister, like sister.

I set my head against the cell bars and stretched my legs over the dirty floor.

"What were you trying to do?" Gab finally spoke up. "Why the hospital?"

It was weird that Gab knew absolutely nothing about me. She felt so familiar, so much like Mandy, and yet I was a complete stranger to her.

I lowered my gaze. A sick feeling gathered in my stomach.

After we left the hospital I thought, I thought that maybe I could clean the slate; I could get rid of the dirt. So I had Gab take me to the Ventis building. But somehow, even in his condition, Jae had managed to win. I couldn't get to his office without a official badge or invitation. I was pissed, off my rockers, and irrational. So when the security tried to "kick us out" I lost it.

When at last I don't answer she goes on to say. "I spend not even a day with you and I'm behind bars."

"I told you to stay in the car". I scowled.

"Yeah", she rolled her eyes. "Like I was gonna miss a chance like this". Her lips quirk up into a silly grin. "Life's too boring. Excitement gets the spirit flowing".

For a moment I wasn't mad at her anymore, or anything really. I let my eyes close and knocked my head against the bars. They were reminding me of the steel grates Jae put over his windows. I think I dozed off because the next thing I knew the door was sliding open and a cop was telling us we could leave.

I hopped to my feet and followed Gab out of the cell.

I was itching to get out of this place.

To much authority.

To many people with power.

The red faced cop dropped us off at the front desk and we were given our stuff.

"So who bailed us?" I asked Gab.

Before she could answer a deep, yet calming voice spoke up. "I did".

I snapped my head around.

Standing near the exit was a very tall man with shaggy brown hair and an athletic physique. His gaze was fierce, but the corners of his mouth were set in a soft line. Who ever the hell he was, I felt slightly unsettled by his presence.

A greatful smile plastered Gab's face. "Thankyou Mr. Ackerman".

When I remained silent Gab harshly elbowed me in the ribs. I glared at her.

"Um...yeah", I began, feeling self conscious. "Thanks".


It's been so long since I updated. But here's another chapter :) I hope you enjoyed.

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