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('s been a while since I updated this story so basically here's a recap; Gab, Mandy's sister, gave Elin a ride to the hospital so he could pay Jae a visit and sometime during said visit Mitch, Jae's Uncle, walks in with two strangers. This is what happens next.)

I stood up in a rush. Nearly tipping my chair in the process. I had to grab the back to steady it out.

"What are you doing here Elin?" Mitch asked.

My eyes darted from Mitch to the two people standing beside him. One, of which, was a women with sandy blonde hair piled high on her head in a painful looking twisty bun. She was glaring down her thin nose at me.

Compared to her standards I probably looked pathetic. I was still wearing Mandy's sweats, and her "parental advisory" t-shirt. My hair was falling every which way since I never got around to brushing it.

I'd probably cringe if I saw myself in a mirror right now.

"Who's this?" The women asked Mitch. Her voice was thick and accented. Either British or Australian. I couldn't tell.

Mitch shot me a look- that I couldn't decipher- before he answered. "This is Elin, Darla".

"Elin". She gasped. Her eyes had grown twice in size as she gave me a double take. "Thee Elin?"

Mitch nodded.

She put her hand to her chest. "Your" she seemed at a loss for words.

While on the other hand I was at a complete loss of the situation. I had no idea what was going on; or who these poeple were.

"Your not what we expected". Said the man standing beside the women. He was tall, probably taller then both Jae and Mitch. His expression was sullen which amplified the wrinkles around his eyes, and mouth. Like the women, his sharp eyes were taking me in from down his nose.

He was familiar.

I was sure that I had never met him before, but his posture and mannerism reminded me of someone else.

"Elin". Mitch spoke up. I snapped my eyes over to him. He made a hand gesture towards the strangers. "This is my brother Charlie and his wife Darla".

Mitch's brother?

Which would make eyes widened.

These poeple were Jae's parents.

"Your Jae's parents". I said aloud.

"Yes". The man- Charlie- answered with a look in his son's direction.

I couldn't believe I was meeting the poeple who spawned Jae Ventis.

"How do you know who I am?" I questioned. Surely Jae would never have told them about me.

"My brother's been telling me that Jae took in a stray. Says it's been improving him". Mr. Ventis spoke up.

Mitch flashed me an apologetic smile when I glanced at him.

Improving him my ass!

I wanted to blurt that Jae was a asshole, but before I had a chance Mr. Ventis spoke up again.

"Course now the little dwat got himself shot". He glared at the place Jae was laying. "I suppose he brought it upon himself".

Did he seriously just say that?

The room fell silent for a moment until Mitch cleared his throat. He gestured for me to follow him into the hall, and we left Charlie and Darla alone in the room. 

"He just called his son a dwat". I whisper shouted when we were out of hearing range.

"Jae doesn't have the best relationship with his parents".

I didn't give a damn about that bit. I was just slightly amused by the fact that Mr. Ventis insulted his "critically" injured son.

I think my amusement might've shown through because Mitch was giving me a disapproving look.


He shook his head. "I can't believe you showed up".

"I just wanted to see".

I leaned against the wall and crossed my arms.

"How did you even get up here?" He asked.

"I told the nurse at the front I was related".

He shook his head again.

"I didn't break any laws". I murmered. I didn't get why he was so upset about my being here.

There was a pause from Mitch before he exhaled and said, "Look, Elin. I'm sorry about yesterday".

Not this.

I wasn't in the mood to deal with the one way conversation he was trying to have. Again.

"If you don't want to talk about it that's fine, but-"

"Stop!" I snapped.

The sympathy in his tone was driving me insane.


I kicked off the wall and went around Mitch. "Tell Jae he can fuck off if he happens to wake up".

"Where are you going?" He called after me.

"Anywhere but here".

I couldn't stand bieng in the hospital. It was making my skin crawl.


"That was quick". Gab said when I slid into the passenger seat.

"Could you just drive?"

She thrummed her fingers on the steering wheel. "And where too?"

"Give me your phone".


"Just give it". I sighed.

She dug the device out of her pocket and slapped it into my waiting hand. I wasn't all that suprised when I found she had no security. She seemed like a trusting person.

I pulled up her maps and typed in a address. "Just follow the stupid  directions".

I gave her back the phone and yanked on my seatbelt.

"Alrighty." She cheered. "Off we go".

"Could you be a little more reserved?" I asked. Her uplifted attitude was giving me a headache.

"Nope". She popped her p.

I plopped my cheek against my hand and gazed out at the passing skyscrapers.

I was trying to get my mind off of Mitch and Jae's parents, and what I was about to do.

But it was hard.

I sort of just wanted to bash my head against the window.

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