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Slight recap: Gab and Elin were bailed outta the jail station by mystery man.


"So about my car..." Gab began with a nervous tick. She eyed the man–who bailed us out–with caution. "I left it on the side of the road".

"You left it on the road?" The man repeated with a calm demeanor. He tapped a finger on his arm, and glanced around. "How long?"

"Dunno. Maybe four hours".

"In downtown?"

"Yeeah". She drawled.

"It's probably consficated by now".

The expression on Gab's face, when she looked at me, was hostile. "Again, this is all your fault!"

"Again", I shot back, "I told you to stay in the fucking car!"

Now that we were out of a cell I had plenty of room to vent. Yeah. Gab lost her car. I lost the chance of clearing the dirt on my friends–the one objective keeping me here.

"I didn't need your help". If she had stayed put I would've been able to sneak my way into the Ventis building without worrying about her. "You made everything worse". I gritted.

She crossed her arms. "I got us out of the station", she added matter of factly, "And I drove you around town".

I disregarded her statement with a roll of my eyes.

"Also I got you more Kleenex". She held out a swab. Clenching my jaw, I took them. My nose was dribbling, and no matter how much force I applied to the circulation point, the blood flow wasn't letting up.

The bastard really hit me hard.

"You two done?" The man (bail man) monotoned from the sidelines. His presence had momentarily slipped my mind.

Gab gave me a look, and I could practically hear her asking, "Well are we?"

"Yeah". I attempted to walk away after that, but Gab grabbed the hood of my sweater; momentarily strangling me from the force of her pull. "Where the hell are you going?" She demanded.

"Does it really matter?"

"Your bleeding worse than a women on her period. You need to sit down before you pass out".

I snorted and a spray of blood gushed out, splotching the front of my sweater. "I'm not gonna pass out".

Gab tossed bail man a look. "You deal will this all the time Adam, right? So fix him". She gestured to me.

My face scrunched into a scowl. "I'm not a broken doll Gab".

I didn't need or want help from a random stranger. This man specifically. Since he showed up I've been feeling uneasy. I don't do well around adults. Yara and Clea are exceptions. Conn's dad and Sherra are older. Old people dont count. They're nice–like Ms. Peta.

"You seem pretty banged up to me". She disclosed with a hand on her hip.

"Let me leave and it won't be your problem".

She snorted. "After what you pulled today I doubt Mandy would be forgiving if I took my eyes off you".

I guess she hasn't figured me out yet. The only person who vaguely knew how to control me was Jae. Black mail me into a corner.

"Well I'm going this way". I jabbed my thumb in a random direction. "If you wanna play babysitter go right ahead".

I swung around on the heel of my boot and nearly collided with bail man's chest–who materialized outta thin air behind me. From a close proximity it was hard not to feel intimidated. I had to tilt my head back just to see his face. Why can't we all be short?

"Let's just take it easy kid." The man spoke in a cool tone. "Gab's just worried for you is all".

Just great.

I've been scolded by Jae plenty of times. But, and actual adult figure trying to simmer my nerves. It was making my stomach hurt.

"Worrying is futile". I responded bluntly. My voice was clear, but my head was in a state of disrepair.

He quirked a brow. "Oh?"

"It's a waiste of energy".

All those years I spent with my mother taught me that worrying about something won't make it go away.

"Your right".

Did he just agree with me?

This man had a strange aura about him. He was completely calm. Since the moment he got here. There wasn't a drop of hostility in him; just sincerity. It was like...he was used to dealing with shit like this. For some reason I found that alarming. Because you don't know how to deal with it Elin.

"How about I give you two a lift?" The man proposed. "We can swing by the auto field for Gab's car, than get your nose checked out".

My mouth was moving before I had a chance to stop myself. "Like at a hospital?"

"No. At a animal clinic". Gab tossed sarcastically.

"My nose is fine". I murmered. I removed the Kleenex. To my dismay there was so much blood. I rest my case.

"Oh yeah". Gab droned. "Sooo convincing".

I tipped my head back and glared at her. "It's my nose. You stay out of this".

The bail man chuckled. "He's got a point Gabby". His face fell solemn. "But just to be sure..."

"I'm not going to the hospital". I persisted strongly.

If push came to shove I'd just tape a swab of toilet paper up my nose and wait it out.

"Alright fine". The man caved. "We can get Gabby's car than your both coming for dinner. I have a son who can fix you up".

Couldn't I just go back to Mandy's and sleep for a week on her sofa? I was exhausted.

"Whatever". I gave in with a sigh.

My top priority at this point was getting away from the police station. I could worry about sleep later.

"I promise I'm a good cook". The man smiled.

If it ain't waffles it ain't good.


Oh yeah. Another chapter. Woop woop. I almost forgot how much I love Elin🥰

Hope you enjoyed.

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