Chapter 30: Beg

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Adriano POV:

The fucking swine. Watching Gabriella in there was the hardest thing I've done in a long time, every slew he spat at her made it harder and harder for me to stand back. When she called Jay I hissed at him, "Make it fucking hurt." His answering grin was acknowledgment enough that he understood and when he slammed that metal bat against Hector's kneecap I knew he had done as I asked. But her, my woman in there so confident and commanding facing her demons, even Jay and Tonio were shocked at her calmness, at her ability to know that they would answer her calls and ruin any man for her because she was my princess.

Tonio was next, and it bothered me that she didn't call me in but I knew she had to do this for herself, so I waited, I watched and I listened. Her mother had been the reason, and it didn't surprise her, she had known and was just waiting for him to admit it.

"Beg." She said to him, she kicked his chair out and put him on his knees before her, and my cock came to life under my slacks, this powerful, strong woman putting him on his knees, then in a flash she slammed the knife through his neck, all three of us behind the window let out a rush of breath, none of us saw her take the knife, and maybe that was her play from the beginning.

"Enjoy hell."

God this woman was glorious. Her soul could be soaked in black for all I cared, this woman was magnificent. I pressed the door open and her eyes met mine, I walked to her and when I reached for her she didn't flinch, she stepped closer and I pulled her to my chest and held her.

"I'm so turned on right now." I whispered and I felt the vibrations of her laugh against my chest.

"Will you get on your knees for me?" she asked.

A shot of electricity shot straight to my already hard dick and I pressed it into her. "For you, I'd do anything."

The fire had returned to her eyes, her face, her soul, I felt her essence return. She reached between me and cupped my cock through my pants. I groaned.

"We better do something about this."

She was back and ready to play and as turned on as I was I was also so relieved, happy. I fought myself for so long, trying to scare her away from me but even in my aggression she still saw me as a person.

"hmm?" she squeezed a little tighter and bought me out of my thoughts.

She didn't have to say anything more, I tipped my head back to Tonio as I steered myself and Gabriella out of the room, "Take care of this, and enjoy yourselves."

That was me giving them permission to fuck with all the remaining prisoners, I thought I wanted to be the one to kill Carlos, but nothing is more important than Gabriella.

Turning back to Gabriella, I catch her watching me, her eyes dancing with a surprising amount of mischief, her hand pressed to my chest as we walk the halls of the compound.

"Beautiful." A stray hair as come loose and I tuck it behind her ear, my hand lingering as my eyes drop tp her lips. She doesn't miss the drop in my gaze and she halts, stilling me with her.

"Thank you." she whispers, her voice surprisingly even considering everything.

I knew what she was thanking me for, I knew that letting her face him would set her free, I just wanted her to be brave enough to do it, and she outdid herself.

"Thank you." She repeated, her eyes shining as she repeated the words.

She's lingering, and I can practically see the battle going on inside her head. A moment later she lifts to her feet, stretching onto the tips of her toes and presses her lips against mine. Fire, burning, raging, roaring hell fire burns inside me as I finally feel those sweet fucking lips against mine. I thrust my fingers into the hair behind her neck and hold her tight to me, her lips parting as I swipe my tongue across them, I dive deep into her mouth, into her endless depths of pure ecstasy. I curve my free hand over her ass and round it till I'm touching her thigh then I yank it up over my hip and grind my painfully hard erection against her. The sweet sound of her moaning fills the space between us as I pull back from her lips albeit reluctantly. I press my forehead against her and try to steady my breaths, "I have been waiting for that, for what feels like a lifetime, please don't ever make me wait again."

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