Chapter 33: Leash

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Gabriella POV:

"A what?"

"A gala."

"Like the one where I got kidnapped from?"

Adriano's lips thin disapprovingly.

We've been settled, but he has been off. He's been seeking me out more and more over the last few weeks and he seems on edge.

"We wont let that happen again." Dante says from the corner of Adriano's office.

Jay nods his head from the corner of the room in agreement.

"What do I not know? What are you guys not telling me?"

Adriano stays rooted in his chair, looking at me sitting across from him. I've caught his eyes drifting to legs multiple times, I'm wearing my light pink sundress that ends somewhere between my upper and middle thigh, Sofia and I were supposed to go for mimosa's at Miss Tops in the city until I was all but summoned.

Dante is in the corner stoic as ever. I wish Alex were here, he'd lighten the mood, I can imagine him pulling books off the shelf and replacing them in the wrong place just to annoy Adriano.

"No one? No one is going to tell me? That is just great isn't it, the girl that got kidnapped and terrorised and assaulted-"

"Stop." Adriano whispers

"What? Does what happened to me make you feel fucking uncomfortable? Just cause I'm on my knees sucking your dick doesn't mean I'm your bitch on a leash Adriano, you can't just pull me along without telling me anything."

"Watch your mouth pequeña ave, we have company." (little bird.) His voice is quiet but his tone is anything but.

I stand up and throw my hands in the air, "Oh fu-"

"Finish that sentence, I dare you. I don't care who is in this room, I will give you something to choke on to keep your mouth shut."

I hear Dante take a quick inhale and Jay mumble a "oh shit" under his breath.

"Fuck. You."

Adriano stands and Jay and Dante both head straight for the door.

"No. Don't leave." Adriano hisses at them, "Gabriella thinks she can be brave, she'll get exactly what I promised her."

Adriano steps around his desk and plants himself in front if me. "Get on your knees." He growls.

"Make me." I hiss.

"With pleasure."

Adriano fists my hair and I feel the pinpricks of pain from the pull on my scalp. He shoves me to my knees.

"Boss-" Dante tries to intervene.

"Shut the fuck up!"

"Go on princess, get it out."

I look up at him with angry tears briming my eyes, I just want to be in the know, is that so much to ask for.



"No, you said you'd shut me up, didn't you? Can't let the big scary mafia man not follow through with his word."

Adriano growls and it's so deep and low it sets off a bolt of electricity in my core.

But he doesn't back down like I thought he would, no. I watch his calculating gaze and he watches mine back. With cunningly slow precision he pops his button on his slacks and pulls the zipper down. I can see the sheer size of him crowding the tight place between his briefs and pants.

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