Chapter 23: The Docks

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Adriano POV:

Madness, blood, and chaos, fucking chaos. I lose sight of her as I duck under one of the tables as bullets ricochet from different directions.

My eyes meet with Tonio's, "Find her, now."

He just nods before checking for a break and then running for cover behind another set of tables. I turn back to my three remaining men.

Where the fuck is Alex and Christian.

"These bastards think they can come in here, into our home and threaten what's ours."

The men grunt in response, their anger building.

"They think they can walk all over us with their mixed breed blood and take what's ours?"

"Fuck no," Russell spits, Felix and Jay grunt in confirmation.

"They think they can come with demands for our money, our wealth, our empire." By this point more of men have trickled into the pep talk I'm pulling out of my ass. Anything to distract from the cement cracking around my heart and splintering into my bloodstream at the thought of him having what's mine, my most prized possession, my little bird.

He can't have her, no one can.

"Every bullet you land in one of those east coast cunts is 150 thousand dollars in your bank, make it count."

All the men break out into wicked malicious smiles.

"Kill them all except the blond fuck, I want to pull every bone from his hand that touched what's mine, I want to cut his eyelids open and pour acid in for looking at what's mine, he will be mine to torture. Clear?"

A chorus of yes's goes around the group as they disperse. It's still chaos, yelling and screaming but I need to be on my game to get her, I need her, and when I get her back, I'm going to bury myself so deep inside her that her pussy will be molded for me and me only.

I try my ear piece again for Alex, and I hear a groan.

"Where the fuck are you?" I hiss whilst peaking out from behind the table to get a clear count on the fuckers who are going to die tonight, unfortunately for me it'll have to be quick deaths.

I hear Dante's voice over the ear piece, "I've got him boss, he's down bad, I gotta get him to a hospital."

"Mierda. Take him now." I growl. (fuck)

Two men down is not how I wanted to enter this, but Carlos is an idiot if he thinks I wont bleed for her, and he's equally as stupid if he thinks I'll give him everything. I will take everything from him, and I will do it slowly, I will make him watch as I gut his son, his son he has no idea I know about because the slimy fucker is a bastard and disgraces our tradition but nevertheless Carlos treats him like a true born.

"Filth." I mutter under my breath.

I lick my teeth before getting one last look over my shoulder, I whip out and fire off two shots at the closest men, men is an exaggeration, they barely have any facial hair, but I don't give a fuck, you cross me you fucking die. They drop with a thud and I snake past them towards the corridor I know leads out to the underground carpark. Tonio is no where to be seen so he better be fucking on their asses. I catch Jay in my peripheries, he has a fucker in a chokehold and blasts his brain out splattering his blood all over his face and he looks possessed by it the frenzy of killing. His eyes snap to mine and I flick my head to the right indicating I want cover for the hall, I snap forward after he nods his confirmation and I lift my gun to fire at an idiot charging me with a machete.

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