Chapter 11: Grilled Cheese

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Adriano carried me to my bed and stayed with me until I fell asleep. Which was definitely out of character for him. I have a lot of questions I need answers to, but I also know I'm in trouble, he even said so himself. This has lead to me not leaving my room all day, Angela hasn't come looking for me which makes me think Adriano is probably keeping her away to make sure I leave the room so he can talk to me.

My stomach is betraying me, it's got to be nearly dinner time and I am starving. I didn't eat dinner last night because I was too exhausted from the 'experience'- which is what I'm calling it.

So with hunger on my mind and in my stomach I head for the kitchen on light feet. I make it through the doorway when I see Dante, Alex, Alejandro and Russell hunching over a sitting Adriano. I don't think they've heard me enter and the last thing I want right now is to be in an enclosed space with this much testosterone so I take a step back making to leave without being noticed.

"Gabriella, you're up." Angela smiles at me from behind the pantry doors, and I curse in my head because I could never audibly curse at this sweet women but she really threw me under the bus with acknowledging me. Angela winces when she sees all of the men across from me lift their eyes up to see me. I settle my eyes on the pair that I know wait for me, hazel, dark, and endless. I hear a grunt, but it's not from Adriano so I ignore it. The other men take the tension as their que to leave and disperse from the kitchen, Alex included.

Angela offers to make me something to eat but I decline her offer settling on making myself a grilled cheese. I snap my eyes away from his, because any slower and I might not be able to look away. I get to work grating cheese, fully ignoring the fact that I can feel hazel eyes burning holes into my back.

If I can't see him, he can't see me right?

I butter the pieces of bread and then fill them with cheese. My secret to a good grilled cheese is spreading mayonnaise on the outside piece of bread, it makes the bread crunchy and adds a zang that makes the sandwich its own experience. I place the sandwiches in the press still ignoring Adriano, and I'm smiling at myself, turning this into some what of a game, it's the only way to make light of the weird feelings I have swirling inside my chest.

I pull out two plates when I realize I made a sandwich for Adriano too. I plate them and turn finally acknowledging him properly. He is leaning back in the bar stool, arms folded across his chest and a look I can't decipher, it looks like a mix of amusement and annoyance.

I cut the cheesy delight diagonally and push the plate across to him before leaning over the counter and taking a bite of mine. He watches me, not touching his own. I swallow my mouthful then cock my head to the side raising an eyebrow as if asking if he's going to try it.

"You called a number you know you shouldn't have yesterday." His tone is it's usual, empty, no emotion, no hint to what he is feeling.

"Straight to the business then I see." I huff taking another bite of my cheesy delight.

"This is not a game Gabriella, I have enemies."

"Why should that have anything to do with me."

"Because, little bird, you've been desired for a long time, and your father and I made a deal."

I stop mid chew and my eyes lift to meet his, he was expecting that reaction because he waits expectantly for my reaction and I see his sly smirk pulling at his lips.

"What does that mean?" My mouth is still full with bread but I've lost my manners knowing my father may have made a deal with the devil.

"It means I was promised something-"

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