Chapter 15: Shopping

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Sofia did pick me up on Friday not sure what strings she pulled but she did it. I mean we still had Dante tailing us the whole way but it was so fucking nice to not be suffocated by testosterone for the twenty minute drive. Dante said he'd sit in the car as long as we have our phones on loud. I still get given my phone for most of trips with Sophia but I don't bother using it, it will only get me in trouble.

I've been sitting in the dressing room for forty minutes watching Sofia try on every dress in this store, she keeps asking me how she looks and I am honest each and every time. She looks stunning in every single one but they're not right, "too short" or "what even is this neckline?" or "Sleeves are so not in." So that's why there is going to be a permanent imprint of my ass on this obscenely comfortable velvet chair in Balls and All. I laughed at the name of the shop and then Sophia did too once she realized the poor choice of words.

It's a big store, split into means and women's sides, almost all of the suits are in dark colours except for one rack that has a suit in every color and material.

"Okay, this might be it." I hear Sofia chirp from behind the red curtains of the changing room.

She steps out in a floor length, cherry red dress. It sits perfectly over her breasts and compliments her slim waist. There is a slit that inches up her left thigh and she looks drop dead gorgeous.


"I know right!" She does a little jump with a clap combo before returning to checking herself out in the mirror.

"You look so fucking hot Soph."

"I feel fucking hot."

"Well that settles it, red is your color anyways, not sure why we even entertained the other colors of the rainbow."

She giggles before slipping back into the changing room to change.

"Okay, so I called a head and asked them to put a few dresses aside for you that I saw online."

I grumble, and she hushes me as she comes out of the changing room, her red dress back on it's hanger.

"I've never been anywhere that is black-tie, I don't think I have it in me."

Sofia just ignores me, and gives her name to the assistant who nods and goes out the back of the store, I assume to retrieve said dresses.

The assistant returns a few minutes later with about ten dresses hanging over her forearm. I cut my eyes to Sofia and give her my best death stare but I'm met with pure evil glee, she has the most beautiful smile and it makes me appreciate the fact that at least in all of this mess I have a true friend.

Sofia ushers me inside the changing room, but not before I already rule out three of the dresses, all with a deep plunging necklines which is a big no, I'm not looking to get myself in trouble.

I'm on my fourth dress, I've been trying to stay away from the dresses that will bring attention to me, which is six of the seven I came into the dressing room with but I tried them on because Sofia asked me to and I just can't say no to her. This dress is everything though, a deep emerald green covered in sequins not the kind that look cheap though. It has thin straps and curves just right over my cleavage, but it is the back that is the show stopper, it is bare a part from a corset like set of strings that tie up to stop it from falling down. It also has a slit that climbs up my left leg but stops at an appropriate length.

"This dress smells expensive Sofia."

"Of course it does, now get out here."

"I can't tie the back up properly-"

Before I even finish my sentence Sofia is whipping the curtain open and then her jaw goes slack.

"Jesus Christ Gabi."

"What?" I quickly look in the mirror thinking I have snot hanging out my nose.

"You look, wow, I'm actually speechless, me." Sofia points at herself at the last part of her sentence and I feel a blush creep over my cheeks.

"God-" Sofia is now looking at the roof, "You know favoritism is not a good trait, I expect to be reincarnated as Gabriella in my next life otherwise we are going to have problems."

We giggle together as Sofia pulls the strings tight on the back of the dress.

"There will be a trail of drool following you everywhere you walk."

"Oh shush, you can talk."

Once she tucks the loose strings behind the fabric I give a twirl and walk out of the dressing room for a better look in the floor length mirrors.

She follows after me and positions me in front of the mirror before repeating her earlier clap jump to signal she approves.

"I really do look good."

"You really fucking do."

"Damn mamacita, muy bonita ." (Very pretty)

Sofia and I both snap our heads in the direction of the unfamiliar male voice.

"Maldita bonita." Another male voices. (Damn pretty)

Standing at the end of the changing room entrance are two men that look to be in their early twenties. They're attractive, but the cat calling is not. The first man radiates confidence but not in a good way. He leans against the wall and crosses his ankles as if he is making himself comfortable.

"What's your name gorgeous?" He questions.

Sofia answers for the both of us. "None of your business, we're busy."

His friend joins him, "Don't be like that hermosa." (Beauitful)

I step towards to the changing room but the man leaning against the wall speaks again.

"Don't change sweet heart, we want a show, give us a twirl."

Fucking pig.

I don't answer him instead I take another step towards the changing room when I see movement in my peripherals, the stranger takes a step in my direction but stops short suddenly.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."

I know that voice, it's the only one in the state of California-if not the world- that can send my neurons firing off in all the wrong directions, it's the only one that steals all the oxygen from my lungs causing me to breath faster in order to survive.


Adriano leans casually against the other wall, mimicking the strangers position. He crosses his ankles but is not so subtle in hiding the gun he has dipped into the front of his pants. I catch Adriano's eyes as they rise slowly from my ankles lingering on the slit on my leg before meeting my eyes. Satan must be close because I can feel the fires of hell burning every inch of my skin.

Adriano gives me a nod to go ahead and change, Sofia follows me into the dressing room but doesn't even attempt to help me out of the dress. No, she has her head pressed up so close to the curtain if she sneezed she'd fly through it in a heap.

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