Chapter 28: Demons

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Gabriella POV:

Adriano has been brining me to the hospital everyday, personally. He sets breakfast for us every morning, and at first I thought it was strange but then I realized it's his way of showing he cares, to make sure I'm eating. He doesn't scold me on constantly wearing sweats and hoodies, I know he knows why I wear them. He doesn't push me to talk to him and he gives me my phone every time I enter the hospital.


Such a delicate thing, but I can see how hard he is trying, a part from the first time Adriano brought me to see Alex he hasn't tried to touch me since, I know he is waiting for me to go to him but... every time I think I want to feel his lips against my temple or his hands wrapping me against his chest I see flash backs to that night, to feeling another mans breath on me and the bile rises too quickly for me to swallow it back.


I tell myself I just need more time, but time is all I've had and I still haven't had more than two hours of uninterrupted sleep. My father has been keeping in touch now that I can call him freely during the day. Sophia stopped by the hospital too and Sophia being Sophia brought everything with her. She had Dante bring up the three different colored bouquets of flowers, the five different food baskets and the two fluffy blankets. "It get's cold in hospitals!" She snipped at Dante when he groaned that the hospital had their own blankets. I can see their chemistry, and I know Sophia is trying to push Dante past his rules but he rivals a donkey with his stubbornness.

After they left I tugged one of the fluffy mink blankets over my shoulders and took my usual seat next to Alex's bed, the nurses informed me earlier in the day that he is still stable but that if he doesn't wake up soon...


I wont think it into existence.

"You know Alex, we need to find you a woman, someone who can tell you off and keep you in line."

I giggle to myself when I see his eyes move under his closed lids.

"You like that huh?" I tease, watching the little muscles twitch in his face.

"She'll be bossy and bitchy with just the right amount of charm to woo you off your feet."

I watch him, pleading for his eyes to open, to be here when he comes back.

"Please wake up Alex." I whisper at him, squeezing his hand tight.


I drop my head to his hand, feeling the warmth against my cheek.

"Alexander Diaz, you better wake up soon or I'm going to have such a kink in my neck from resting my head against your stupid hand that I will murder you."


I flick my head to the familiar voice and note Adriano in the door way. I wonder how long he has been there.

He doesn't smile, but he has the softness at the corners of his eyes I know he only has for me.

I could almost smile at him, almost, but again every time I think of being near him I get the images, the flashbacks. My thoughts must be written on my face because Adriano frowns.

"Time to go home."

It's not a command, its said softly. I press a kiss to Alex's hand before squeezing and releasing him. I drape the blanket from my shoulders over him.

Adriano nods to the nurse in the nurses station before pulling a wad of cash out of his pocket and handing it to her.

That's the first time I've seen him do that. I wait till we are in the privacy of the elevator before I ask.

"What was that?"

He looks at me with confusion on his face.

"The money?" I offer when he remains silent.

"This is a private ICU, they only allow visitors for an hour a day..." He tilts his head at me, "You know that."

My mouth drops open but no words come out, I knew some private hospitals were like that but I've been here everyday, sometimes for twelve hours a day, for almost two weeks.

Again I watch as Adriano's gaze softens on me as if he knows I was in such a haze that I hadn't noticed what was going on right in front of me.

The elevator dings and we step out to the car. Adriano holds the door open for me like he always does. The partition is up between the driver and us in the back so Adriano knocks twice against the car door and the engine starts.

I can feel him watching me, waiting for me to talk. He's been so patient. The images flash in my mind again and I cringe at myself.

"I'm taking you somewhere."

I snap my eyes open at him.

"Somewhere you probably don't want to go, but you need to go." There's a resolute firmness in his voice that leaves no room for argument.


He hesitates for a beat, obviously deciding weather or not to elaborate.

When he takes too long I ask again. "Where are you taking me?" I add a little more bite this time and glare at him.

"I'm taking you for revenge."


Revenge, everything came spiraling back in and I pulled my knees into my chest and started panting.

No, no, no.

I shook my head at him. "No."

"Yes." Was all he said, though I have learnt recently that I can read him better than I used to be able to, that or he is showing me more.

"Don't make me beg."

"On this you will never have to beg." It doesn't go unnoticed on me the way he worded that sentence, that he may wants me to beg in the future but I can't think about that, I'm panicking.

"You need to do this Gabriella. You're still having nightmares and every time I hear your screams I am taken back with you, to how I couldn't stop them, I want them to pay, and I want you to deliver their punishment as you see fit, it is your decision fully."

He's watching me, calculating my reaction, when I don't say anything he continues.

"I promised you that they would pay, and they will, dearly." He growls that last part and I see the flash of darkness cloud his eyes before they drop back to me, "They will never lay a finger on you again, you need to face your demons and set yourself free."


I don't think I've ever been free in my whole life.

"You can decide when we get there if you want to continue or not, it is your decision."

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