Chapter 32: Good girl.

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Adriano POV:

I know it's an invasion of her privacy but I watch her sit with Dante, I watch her cry and I know she's telling him the truth. My little bird being brave. What I wouldn't give to bring that scum Hector back to life just so I could peel his skin back so slowly and listen to him scream. I'd record it and make it my new fucking ringtone.

My phone pinging breaks me out of the vicious day dream.

Unknown: We will come for her if you don't hand it over.

I hit the speed dial I have set up for Ivan.


"I got another."

"On it."

I can hear Ivan aggressively hitting his key board in the background attempting to find a satellite trace for the unknown number. The last three texts have all been along the same lines. The first saying that killing Carlos did them a favor, the second telling me that whatever the fuck was going on with Carlos is not over and now this. The first two threats I can handle, this isn't the first time I've received threats and it sure as fuck wont be the last, but not my little bird. I will gut every man in this world to protect her, fuck I'd gut women too, I don't think there is anything I wouldn't do to protect her.

"I have a ping, I'll trace and update you if we can find more."

"Will you?"

Ivan hesitates and I throw my have empty glass of bourbon across my office room and watch as it shatters against the wall, staining the wallpaper an ugly brown. The last two traces both picked up satellite pings, but both were traced to burner phones that where already disposed, like the texts were sent out on a timer.

"Fucking find me something Ivan."

I end the call and roll my neck trying to ease some of the tension.

"Diaz." I hiss through the house radio. I hear the crackle and then a response comes through almost immediately.


"My office now."

It takes Diaz one minute and thirty-two seconds to get to me. I watched every second. Every second that Gabriella is under threat. He enters on his knock. I'm already standing.

"You and Gabriella are on good terms now, yes?"

The look that crosses his face is absolute shock, his brows so raised they look mere inches from his hairline.

"Well!" I spit, my patience is no where to be found.

"Yeah boss, we're good." He grumbles, obviously confused.

"Good, I need you to train her."

He chokes on his own fucking saliva.


He clears his throat before clarifying, "Train her?"

"I don't want her to be defenseless, I'll never let her be that again. Use your special ops training and teach her how to protect herself, basics, anything just give her the tools to help herself."

Something akin to pride flashes across his face.

"That's real nice boss."

I grit my teeth at the term nice, I've never been called that in my fucking life.

"Get out." I growl

Diaz smirks and then leaves laughing to himself.

I follow out after Diaz but in search for someone else entirely. She's fucking right I am a feign, I can't get enough of her.

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