Chapter 25: Mine

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Adriano POV:

They have her, they have what is mine and I will burn every inch of this fucking planet until I have her back in my arms.

The bullets I fired at Carlo's boat were useless, Jay drove us to the compound to pick up Ivan and some of his team, Ivan was already tracing them, having the helicopters follow the boats with the flood lights on. Christian called saying he took our parents to a safe house, and I'm yet to hear back about Alex from Dante but they're not my priorities.

We are all cramped into a blacked out tech van whilst Ivan and two of his team members tap away on keyboards and speak in code to each other but I'm growing fucking impatient. Just when I'm about to make an example of someone my phone dings. I pull it out suspicious of the message that has popped up. I show it to Ivan and he motions for me to give it to him. He plugs it into his monitor and taps on some keys before giving me a nod to accept the message.

It takes a few seconds for the screen to load but as soon as it does I growl out a curse. "Eyes down!" I yell as soon as I see her, bound and gagged, a man that is not me touching her, touching my fucking woman. Everyone's eyes snap down except Ivan's. I give him a snarl and he flashes me his left hand that has a gold band around his ring finger reminding me he is married and has a husband.

"I will kill anyone who raises their fucking head."

I clench my fists so tight I hear a crack and pop as I watch this man stalk around Gabriella, I watch him bring his hand down against her pussy, my fucking pussy that I am yet to feel choke hold my cock. The growl that leaves my throat is feral.

"I hope your husband said his farewells this morning because your life expectancy is shortening by the fucking minute."

Ivan just nods, not at all fazed by my threat, it would usually piss me off but I'm so focused on this bastard who I am going to tear limb for limb touching my girl.

"Crescent ave ping." One of Ivan's men chirp and the van kicks into drive, they're speeding I hear the rev of the Aston's behind us signaling that Jay, Felix, Tonio and Russell are following closely behind.

My eyes flick back to the monitor screen and I watch this pig's fingers connect with her pussy and I see her ever so slightly squirm.

"Mother fucker!" I yell picking up the nearest object to me which is a laptop and throwing it at the floor of the small van. I don't give a fuck how much it cost. I see her tears next, she doesn't want to feel the pleasure, and just when her eyes faze out like she's giving up the sick bastard cracks his belt against her ass drawing blood.

"Oh I am going to fucking ruin you." I speak directly to the footage as if this mane can hear me.

"We are five out, they were just around the corner from the party." Ivan is tapping, I don't know what the fuck he is doing but it seems his men are doing a better job than him.

"Right, I've killed their cameras and cut their security measures, all their locked doors are open for the next thirty." Ivan looks up to me with a smirk on his face.

"Don't look so smug, this is what I pay you for."

He shrugs his shoulders as we tear into the driveway of an abandoned junkyard.

I yank the sliding door of the van open as I hear more cars down the road, I look to Ivan who confirms they're ours.

"Behind the red beat up Toyota."

We hustle to the entrance, Jay and Tonio flank me and Felix and Russell watch our six. Jay hands me my holsters and I fit them over my shoulders. I pull both guns out and kick the fucking front door down. I shoot on sight, four men down before any of my men have the chance to fire a round off.

"Hey man, I'm trying to make some money tonight." I hear Jay whisper under his breath.

This is no time for fucking comedy but it's his way of keeping his calm so I ignore it. Ivan's in my ear guiding us through the underground maze. We have twenty minutes left when we start our descent deep underground.

"The connection will die, someone start a timer, I can't guarantee you won't be locked in when their systems restart, and our comms are going to die when you hit 150 feet. I'll keep the systems down for as long as I can."

I don't answer him because he begins to crackle and I'm taking each flight of stairs in two steps.

"The handsy one stays alive."

The men grunt in acknowledgment as we hit the last flight of stairs. Jay grabs my shoulder and I hiss at him for slowing me down but he pulls harder against me and steps in front of me.

"You're the Don." Is all he says and the respect I already had for him grows, he's willing to sacrifice himself for me. I make a mental note to buy him and his wife a private island in Fiji for thanks. He kicks the door down, and the fifteen or so men are taken off guard, that's the problem with soundproof rooms, fucking idiots.

We take them quickly, I hear someone hiss in pain but I don't acknowledge it, my men know what they signed up for. I catch a glimpse of her through the one-sided mirror, I refocus immediately, I can't save her if I'm distracted. I head for the big fucker guarding the door. He looks like he's three braincells short of a goldfish, still hasn't pulled out his gun.


That's when I see the flash of silver and feel the piercing sting in my shoulder. I look down at the throwing knife lodged in my shoulder.

"Bitch." I curse as he throws two more in quick succession, I duck pulling the knife from my shoulder with a curse as blood starts to coat my shirt. I whip the knife back in his direction and it lands in his shin, he grimaces but that's the only sign of pain.

"Tough fucker huh."

I hear Jay and Felix curse behind me whilst they wrestle with the remaining men. I pull the trigger on my guns but they're empty.


I can hear the giants stomps before he reaches me and I know this is going to have to be a brawl. I snatch one of the knives he threw earlier but missed with. I kick the chair at him just as he reaches for me. Problem with being so fucking big is you're slow, I thrust the knife up under his chin and feel the burst of his blood cover my hand.

He gargles his compliments to my accuracy but I don't stay much longer to see what happens, I snatch his gun from the holster before we run out of time. I shoulder the the edge of the reflective mirror I was trying to not look through that whole time and my eyes connect with hers, I was expecting to see relief but all I see is hurt and, maybe hatred?

The guy behind her has his pants hanging from his knees, dick out and ready to be sliced clean off. He scrambles for his gun that he has haphazardly laying on the floor but he doesn't have time, I'm on a fucking mission and I don't want to be trigger happy, I drop the gun I just acquired and slam my fist into his face so hard I hear the crunch of his nose breaking, but it's not enough, I slam my fist into him repeatedly, consumed by vengeance, it's only when Tonio grabs my shoulders that I'm snapped back to reality.

"Get your girl man. I got him."

I can't believe I forgot she was bound here, the rage coating my vision dissipates when I see her broken skin, bruised and marked. I strip from my shirt, even blood soaked she still needs the cover so I give it to her. I unclip her hook from the roof and she immediately sags to her knees, I try to catch her but she turns away from me. I try to ignore the sting that is accompanied by her rejection and remember what she's just been through.

I remove the collar first, noting the purple and black bruising from how tight it was, my blood boils as I remove the chains as gently as possible. I scoop her in my arms and press my nose against her temple and inhale. She still smells like my girl.

"They will pay baby, I promise."

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