Chapter 33: A captured heart

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I never thought I would marry, every date I ever went on, they turned out to be a loser or a pervert, Adriano is definitely a pervert, but I suppose it's in the right way.

Adriano leads me into a dance and I enjoy the simplicity of it, getting lost in his touches and caresses, but it is over too soon. 

"I have business princess, go back to Dante, and tell him if he leaves you unattended again I'll cut his balls off. Personally." 

I grimace at the mental image that has just popped into my head. 

I see Sophia sitting at the bar with the biggest shit eating grin on her face and Dante with the opposite and I giggle to myself, when he finally gives into her advances she is going to eat him alive. 

"Sophia your lipstick is smudged?" I point to thew corner of her lip mimicking it on myself, the wicked grin only follows when I hear Dante growl. I only feel slightly bad for winding him up but not enough to care.

"Oh Gab, you look stunning." 

"Ditto." I press a kiss to her cheek and claim the empty barstool next to her. The bartender rushes to us and I'm not sure if its because of the black roses or something else, but he takes our order quickly. I shoo Dante, Jay and Tonio away to sit at a table that is within eye sight and a few steps, I know its the best I'm going to get tonight after the stunt we just pulled. 

"Alex is here tonight."

"Really?!" Sophia's head pops up faster than a meerkat.

"Yeah, really, not sure where he's off to now though, but he looks good, healthy." I sigh on the end of the sentence before fiddling with the napkin on the bar.

"You really care about him, don't you."

"Of course I do, I-I just-"

"He's not Adriano." 

"Exactly." My eyes instinctively scan the crowd for him but I can't see him either. 

"Hey handsome! Can we get another round please?" Sophia bats her eyelashes at the bartender to finish of her request and I swear the man blushes. Who am I kidding, I would blush if I was on the receiving end of that look.

I swivel in the barstool back to the crowd, scanning when a man with an ear piece bends at the hip and whispers something in Tonio's ear, he mumbles something before standing and leaving Jay and Dante. 

All of a sudden this prickly sensation creeps up my neck and my stomach flips, but not in the good way. 

"Here." Sophia thrusts another cosmopolitan towards me but I set it back onto the bar and continue scanning the crowd. 

Where are Adriano's men? Almost everyone is wearing a mask except the security, but I don't recognise any of the faces. 

I stand and Dante clocks the movement and watches me continue to look around. He comes to stand next to me, "Something's wrong." I mumble when I sense he's close enough to hear.

Dante says nothing, instead he pulls his phone from his pocket and his fingers tap wicked fast across the screen before he drops it back in his pocket.

"Lets go. Sophia, now." 

Sophia pouts before quickly finishing off her cocktail. Jay flanks us as Dante leads us out towards the car drop off. I get that prickly sensation again and stop before swiveling my head around. 

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