Chapter 18: Black Roses

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Gabriella POV:

The day I've been dreading has arrived. Alex walked me back to my room last night and we ended on good terms, which is a relief because he's a good person and he deserves to be happy, he deserves better and we both agreed that friends is best for us.

Sophia called me on the house phone this morning, apparently she is coming over to get ready together since we can't have anyone to do our hair and make up. According to Sophia, whenever it is a birthday for a "head" of the Seoanei's they never have outside vendors for anything, can't risk royalty apprently. So instead we are going to get ready together, and since I'm never allowed to leave the house she's coming here.

I hear her car pulling into the driveway so I meet her at the door. She's lugging two suitcases behind her.

"Hey bitch, the dresses are in the dry cleaners bags on the backseat, grab them will you?"

"What the hell did you bring with you? Your house?"

"I don't know what you have and knowing you, your foundation is probably five years old."

I think on that for a second and realize it's older, "It's actually six." I laugh but Sophia looks horrified.

"See! This is exactly why I needed to be here." She continues to mumble to herself in Spanish as I head for the car to grab the dresses.

It takes Sophia two hours to get us both ready, which in actuality is quite impressive because we both look amazing. Sophia has put my hair in a low bun, her words were, "There's no point having a dress with a back like that and not showing it." She left a few curls out to shape my face and is way better at putting on fake eyelashes than I am.

"You have magic hands." I'm giving myself a once over in the mirror, when the dread starts to sink in. I hide it when I catch Sophia coming to join me at the mirror.

"It's easy when my model looks like you." She bumps my hips playfully but when I don't respond she takes both of my hands in hers.

"Hey, look, I've been to hundreds of these and nothing bad has ever happened, I mean a couple bad things have happened but those people deserved it, but what I'm saying is nothing bad will happen to you."

She squeeze both of my hands in hers. "I'll be with you the whole time, you need to pee, so do I, you're thirsty, well I'm dryer than the Sahara, I have got you."

I feel the tears start to form behind my eyes but Sophia shushes me and brings me into a tight hug.

"I got you babe, you're not alone."

"Thank you." I choke out. "You really have no idea how much I love you."

"I know hunny, I know."

There is no greater feeling in the world than knowing you're loved. Sophia makes me feel so loved and safe and I am eternally grateful I have her. She is the only friend I've ever loved, except Ramone.


"C'mon its time to go."

"I'll meet you down there okay, I just need a minute."

Sophia hangs for a beat but then nods her head and leaves the room. For some reason I just want to cry. I just want to do something because I want to, because it was my choice. I grit my teeth and grind them just a little to stop myself from crying. Once I start it'll be hard to stop.

I take a steadying breath and opt to go for a pep talk instead, "You look beautiful Gabi, you got this, you totally have this, deep breaths."

"Very beautiful, little bird." It's a whisper and I turn my head to see the door to the room is open and Adriano is leaning against the wall. He steps closer, and I feel like prey, a leg caught in a trap and unable to flee to safety, except I don't want to run, I want to be caught by my monster.

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