Chapter 22: Nothing

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Gabriella POV:

Alex rushes me towards the exit just as I hear a male clear his throat over the microphone. Just as we reach the doors their is an echoed clicking sound, Alex presses against the door but it doesn't budge.


He pulls me along to the next door and tries the same thing with no success.

"What's going on Alex."

He ignores me as I see him press his finger to his ear again, "Negative." He chants back.

Alex takes my arm and pulls me close to him, "Copy-"

Within a second I am thrown back against the door with such force I feel like my body is still standing the ten feet in front of me where I was a moment ago. Fuzziness fills my head and my vision as my hand reaches for my head sinking against the warmth pooling in my hairline. I blink a few times trying to clear the haze but the visual clarity brings with it a searing pain, my fingers press against my temple once again and when I pull them back they're soaked with warmth. I feel the steady stream down my eyebrow before it curves with my cheek and finishes at my lips, the coppery taste strong.

"Shit." I whisper, I drop my hand to the floor and try to sit myself up when I feel hands that aren't mine on my body, I'm floating suddenly and I'm staring at the ground, that's when I see Alex's limp body and the blood pouring from his ears.

"Oh god." I whisper bringing my hand to my lips, "Oh god!" I scream.

"Alex!" I yell at him but he doesn't respond, his body so still, too still. His head slumped and bent at a horrible looking angle.

"Oh god." Alex is getting further and further from me and then I remember I'm floating.


I look down and see legs, legs that are not mine. My mind snaps into action and I start pounding against the body holding me, suddenly there are hundreds of people pushing into me from all directions, screams, so many screams.

So much pain. Alex.

"Stop!" I scream, at least I think I scream, my throat is coated with my blood so thick I almost choke on it and then I hear gun shots. A body slams against the person holding me and they drop me with a thud, my already aching head throbs harder. Dizzied I try to stand, my knees fall in on themselves painfully but Alex needs me so I try again. I make it up on the second attempt and look for Alex, I find him still in the same position, head lulled down and blood, so much, too much.

"Alex!" I yell at him willing my legs forward, I feel the blood in a heavier stream now, it's gliding down my neck but I don't stop. "Alex!" I yell again, with everything in me I yell at him. "Please" I whisper and it's hoarse with pain and sorrow.

"Please, no."

"Alex!" I scream again and again, "Wake up!" I'm knocked off my feet multiple times by frenzied bodies, I feel like there are miles between my body and Alex's, no matter how hard I try to get to him he seems further and further away. "Please Alex!" My screams are hoarse with desperate need to hear him, see him, hold him. His eyes flutter a little and I see his chest rise with a deep inhale. The relief flooding me is almost poisonous, burning my veins and my eyes as tears of relief fall down each cheek. His eyes flick open like lightening struck him and then they raise to me, I'm almost to him when I feel the familiar coolness against my temple. My gaze still locked with Alex when his eyes go wide.

"Where are you going princess?" That disturbingly familiar voice echo's through me in all the wrong ways, his hair comes into view first, "I told you you'd pay for slapping me, now move." The cold barrel of the gun presses against my temple. I watch as Alex tries to stand but he stumbles back, his hand pressing against the wall for support, he can't fight, he'll die, god I can't fight.

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