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It's only been a few weeks since Taehyung last saw Yoongi lying asleep in his bed, before he ever turned into a vampire. And it's hardly been less than a few weeks since he last saw Yoongi in his bed at all, the morning they had to confront Yoongi's friends and show them he'd been turned into one of them.

Now, Taehyung waits anxiously by his bed. Yoongi is a vampire who shouldn't be asleep right now, yet he is— Hoseok's grandmother informed them that Siwoo had injected something into Yoongi to weaken him and that he had a poisonous chain wrapped around his wrists that didn't help either, but that he should be awake in no time considering she gave him medicine to relieve it out of him.

Still, Taehyung waits anxiously.

When he and his friends barged into Siwoo's house, pure anger filled Taehyung as he caught sight of the man he hated. It took hardly any fight from the others to get the man trapped against the floor and even though Taehyung wanted to kill him then and there, he told his friends to keep him alive until he got Yoongi— Yoongi, the one and only familiar scent of his lover, which was coming from a closet door.

Seeing Yoongi lying down on the hard floor, clearly in distress, and with his hands chained up, it all angered Taehyung so much he could hardly think in the moment. But he quickly got Yoongi up and then killed the bastard he'd wanted dead for far too long now.

Now, Taehyung feels at ease to have Yoongi safely returned home, but he still feels anxious, nervous, and like a failure in a way.

He should've taken Yoongi from Siwoo's hold way before now. He should've just barged in the moment he found out that Yoongi was still in town. He should've kept Yoongi by his side, should've protected him much better, but he was weak and moped around like a fool for days, hoping Yoongi would somehow appear safely in his arms again but also too scared to have Yoongi in his arms again.

Slowly, Yoongi shifts on the bed, immediately catching Taehyung's attention.


The youngest vampire looks as groggy as he probably feels. Since they didn't get much medicine in his system, Hoseok's grandmother told them to give him the rest when he wakes up. So as Yoongi tries to lift himself from the bed, Taehyung quickly goes to his side and wraps his arms carefully around him to encourage and help him sit up.

Yoongi blinks up at Taehyung as he goes still, glancing over him and frowning.

"You..." Yoongi grabs onto Taehyung's forearm and slowly brings himself to sit up all the way. He looks into Taehyung's eyes, curious and slightly dazed. "You're the good guys?" He doesn't say much because his hoarse voice sounds too weak to even speak. Taehyung lifts the bottle of liquid medicine to Yoongi's mouth and without questioning it, Yoongi trusts him enough to drink every last drop, but he grimaces at the taste.

"Yes, Yoongi." Yes, love. "We're your friends. You're alright now, okay?"

Again, Yoongi glances over Taehyung as he takes the bottle from him and sets it back on his bedside table. Taehyung lets him come to his senses and lets himself be analyzed, knowing that Yoongi must be curious because he always is and always has been.

"Who are you?"

He gulps at the reminder that Yoongi doesn't know him. "Kim Taehyung."

"No," Yoongi mumbles. "I know your name. That's not what I meant." He still can hardly speak, but Taehyung understands the question a little more now. Yoongi is asking for much more than just a name; he wants an explanation.

"I'm Kim Taehyung. I'm your boyfriend."

A soft smile creeps onto the corners of Yoongi's lips and it nearly makes Taehyung want to tear up. "Wow." Yoongi lowers his head and lightly squeezes Taehyung's forearm which he's been holding onto. "I can tell. You're all over me right now."

He didn't even realize how close he was sitting to Yoongi, how much he was in his personal space, with his arm wrapped around him, and his face only inches away. Taehyung quickly backs away and clears his throat awkwardly.

"Sorry. I just— It's been a few weeks since I've seen you or spoken to you. I didn't mean to be all over you like that."

"A few weeks?" Yoongi questions him, not seeming to care for Taehyung's apology. "Tell me, Taehyung-ssi, was I in a coma for two years?"

Taehyung scoffs and holds back from laughing coldly at the thought. "A coma? Absolutely not."

Yoongi visibly frowns and it saddens Taehyung to see. "Okay. I don't understand. But I do know that I feel... safe." He lays back against the bed and curls up, bringing Taehyung's pillow closer to hold onto and snuggle. "I feel safe here."

Safe here.

Taehyung smiles as he tucks the blanket over Yoongi's body. "I'm glad you feel that way, Yoongi. We'll tell you everything once you're rested and ready for it, okay? I'll go get you some blood. Maybe that'll make you feel better and less weak."

Yoongi nods and nuzzles into the blanket, muttering something about how nice and warm it smells. Taehyung just smiles to himself as he watches his boyfriend fall into the comfort of his bed.

He smiles, knowing Yoongi feels and is safe. Soon, they'll get to tell Yoongi the truth of everything that happened. For now, Taehyung is happy to see Yoongi safe.


The Night You Left Me | Taegi (Sequel) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now