Chapter twenty one

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Chapter 21

I wake up, my body glued to my bed. My head is so heavy, and I can't get up. I rub my eyes and adjust my focus. On my bedside table lies the carriage I rode to the ball; so it wasn't a dream... However, it is no longer a carriage, but an ordinary mandrake flower. A few petals look beat-up from last night, and it now has an interesting sheen from the spell.

The dorm is unusually quiet. How long did I sleep? I then set my eyes on the watch I stole from that short hot rich guy next to the sizeable pouch of money I also stole from him because it was shiny. I grit my teeth. "SHIT, it's already 12:58?" I take off the dress and shove it under my bed, then throw on my Slytherin robe. I hurriedly brush my hair and put on my shoes, forgetting to put on my socks. I then scoop all the books laying around into my bag and grab my wand and the shiny watch, and hurry to class. I think I might have Herbology next, if I remember correctly. As I'm rushing up the stairs to the Slytherin common room, I see Panties and Blitch making out. Oh no, I'm getting flashbacks from last time.

"God, get a room."

Panties turns her face from Blant's and looks at me. "We did get a room. We were the only people in here until you finally decided to leave your depressing man cave."

"Oh, fuck off."

"Right, sorry. Just depressing cave. You're less a man than you are a good boyfriend. But Blartie here isn't, are you shnuckums~"

"Thats still not my name" Blowjob leans back uncomfortably as Panties strokes his nose with her finger. I gag and pretend to throw up. I feel kindof bad for him, he's obviously regretting everything up to this point.

"Whatever, you guys are gross. Why are you even here, anyways? We have class, like, RIGHT NOW." I say sharply.

"What do you mean? it's Saturday. Also it's like, 5 in the afternoon. Why are you in your uniform?"

"Its SATURDAY?!" I reply, utterly shocked.

"Uh.. yeah, I just said that. Anyway, can you like, leave? I'm busy, if you couldn't tell..." she said seductively, as she turns her head back to Blort and some extremely unholy wet sounds follow. I cover my eyes and go back down to my dorm. "You started the conversation." I hear her voice echo from behind me. Living in the dungeon can be creepy sometimes, it's covered in cobwebs and the walls are tall and they echo all the time. Did I really sleep for 27 hours?! That's gotta be like, a world record or something. Wait, did she say 5 in the afternoon? I check my clock. It's broken. That explains it. Traveling through time and space obviously would've broken it. Maybe that's why Auntie has so many broken clocks?

I head back in and get dressed into my cool sexy emo clothes and make my way past Panties and Hash Brown or whatever his name actually is, and Panties flips me off from behind him. I roll my eyes and strut confidently to the potions classroom. There's still about an hour left until dinner, which is plenty of time to practice my potion making. Watching Auntie make that potion was very inspiring, and I've began to take a liking to alchemy now!

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