Chapter six

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I awake from my slumber. It’s the last day of school 'till the summer break. Usually, one would be excited to finally leave school and go back to their loving parents. But not me. I’m not excited to be anywhere, really.

It looks as if Panties gave up on yelling at me at some point after I dozed off. After much procrastination, I finally get out of bed and start to make myself look like a person. I need to look presentable for my beloved Papa. I do my hair and clothe myself, then paint my nails. I have a nail-biting habit, but this helps prevent it. It does look pretty slay though. I walk up stairs and into the Slytherin common room, only to see my girlfriend, Panties, and my friend Blase making out, goated with the sauce.

Panties opens her eyes and pushes Blair away, flustered.
“O-oh hi Draco!”
“W.O.W. I always knew you were a whore, but this much of a whore? And Bladana, how could you betray me like this? I thought you were my friend!”
“That’s not how you say my name-“

“Look Draco,” Panties says “It’s just that you weren’t satisfying my needs. But Bladder was! He is so kind and shrexy~” she looks flirtatiously toward her new boyfriend, her hand on his chest and her leg half on his lap. I gag.

“We’ve been together for like, TWO YEARS!” I exclaim, “AND ALL OF A SUDDEN I FIND OUT YOU’RE CHEATING WITH BLAINT!”
“Shush, Borgi.” Panties hushes him. She turns back to me. “I mean, I used to thing you were pretty fit and your Daddy’s rich anyway, but as I said, you weren’t giving me the love and affection I needed. Plus, you painting your nails is way to homo for my liking, Draco.”

“So this is it, is it?” I say hotly.
“It is. We’re over, Draco. I’m only a little bit sorry.”
Silence fills the room for a few moments. It’s kind of awkward. It takes my big brain some time to process what just happened because there's so much knowledge up there, but once I do-
“WOOHOO GET IN THERE FUCK YES BEST DAY OF MY LIFE YEEEEEEEEER, BYE PANTIES, BYE BORBINORFF, SEE YOU NEVER!” I crash through the common room door and burst into song like in a musical, sprinting down the corridor, only to be grabbed aggressively by the neck by the Headmaster, DombleWhore.
“No running in the halls, boy.” He speaks in a dark, terrifying voice that makes me almost sharteth my panties.

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