Chapter ten

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Chapter 10

It’s the first week back from the summer break, and auditions are today. I just know I’m gonna slay it, but that little ginger whore, Ginger, is auditioning for the same role as I am. She just went in, strutting confidently through the doors like she’s that bitch. She, infact, is not that bitch. But I must say she is quite the competition. Her parents divorced eight years ago because her daddy fell in love with a Muggle woman and her mummy didn’t love her enough to keep her in the house. So, her father took custody. And turns out the Muggle lady was actually quite friendly, as well as a famous actress in the Muggle world. She taught Ginger how to act for eight years. But thankfully, I’m older, which means I have more experience in LIFE.

Seeing how this is my tenth time retaking the first year, I’m sure to get the part this time. And I SHAN'T play a bush in the background. Snapiepop has permit me to participate in the play again this year, since I’ve been improving so much in school. So I’ve been rehearsing so much!!¡¡!!¡!¡¡!¡


This. Is. THE BEST THING THATS EVER HAPPENED TO ME. I GOT THE PART!! (And made sure to rub it in Ginger's face. She cried so hard and she sounded like a lawnmower. She had to start recieving therapy sessions 'cause she said I gave her Depression.) The play is in a week and I just know I’m gonna do splendidly. And it looks as if God is on my side, because the Knight in shining armour is played by none other than my beloved Parry Hotter AHHHHHHH!!!!//////

It’s Saturday morning. We’re all in the great hall enjoying an appetizing breakfast, when the owls swoop in, each owl belonging to a girl bearing a crimson red envelope. Scared to open them, hence the appearance similarity to howlers, commotion starts amongst the women. But unbeknownst to them, it isn’t a howler at all. In some countries outside of Hogwarts, crimson is a popular colour used for important events. I look next to me where a group of girls are seated and with further inspection, I note that the scarlet wax sealing the envelope is stamped with three big letters, ‘LMF’ and underneath in smaller writing, it reads ‘DULOC’. After identifying it as definitely (hopefully) not a howler, I snatch it from her and tear open the envelope. The rest of the girls on the Slytherin table follow until eventually the entirety of the great hall is silently reading their peculiar letters (or reading over the shoulders of the ladies). It is an invitation to a Ball.

“Dear missus,

I, Lord Maximus Farquaad, formally invite thee to the grand ball, held to find my true love. The fete will be held at Duloc, next Thursday from 8:00pm to 2am the next day. Only the loveliest of maidens shall attend. One must wear a green dress to attend the ball. If a green dress is not worn, entry to the ball will be declined. I will be honoured to have your presence.

~ Lord Maximus Farquaad of Duloc.”

I read the letter from top to bottom three times over, until the girl next to me hotly takes it back, giving me a deathly glare as she does so. Exhilarated squeals fill the great hall as the girls mutter amongst eachother. Since it is a Saturday, students are free to roam the campus, as well as Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade. The girls stampede out of the school and fight over the very little green dresses that are sold like feral cats. A few Gryffindoors are hesitant to go, as we Slytherins are the sworn enemies and have always been the competition of the Gryffindoors. A few teachers attempt to stop the rampaging girls to no avail. This foreign ball invitation seems to have dominated their minds. Having nothing better to do, I decide that I might as well attend. After all, I do own a stunning green dress sure to make the boys breathless, so why not? I then realize. “the fairest of maidens.” “Maidens...”
Of course I can’t go. I’m a boy. I didn't even get an invitation, for god's sake! There’s no way they’d let me in. It’d just be weird. What if people saw me? What if they knew I was a boy? Would they think I'm weird? Oh well...

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