Chapter eleven

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Chapter 11

I am all alone in an empty classroom. It’s half seven and most of the students are having dinner in the great hall around this time, but I don’t feel very hungry. The ball has been the only thing on my mind since the letters. It’s a shame I won’t be able to go. I hope all the girls have a fun time, though. I wrote to my Mami about the letter and she said that she had received one as well, she won’t be going though as she has another date with a new guy. She told me I should go, but I just can’t. I didn’t recieve an invitation and it would be weird to have a boy in an all girl’s ball.

I hear a sharp knock on the window from across the classroom. I sit tight on the floor. Another knock. I arise and cautiously creep toward the window. There’s a figure, completely in black, levitating just outside the window. They have a lot of hair and it’s hiding their face so I can’t make out who it could be. I should be careful, as it could be someone dangerous. There’s a series of irritated knocking on the window and after pondering the situation, I crawl behind a desk, reach for my wand and point it shakily toward the window. I can’t remember many spells, but I know a few of the basic ones. I shouldn’t stand so close to the window lest it be an attack. I get into the stance, pointing my wand straight forward and mutter the words. “Alohumora.”. Nothing happens, so, irritated, I try again. “Alhohamora!” I seem to have said it a bit too loud, because the window flings open so hard it flies off it’s hinges and hits the person in the face. I hear the window thud and crack on the ground and I wince.

There’s a shrill scream from outside the window. Suddenly, the figure swoops in on their broom and topples upright. I drop my wand in panic and juggle it to keep it in the air. I wouldn’t want it to break, especially in this situation!
The figure screeches, beaming at me. That voice sounds familiar...
“No, silly! It’s me, auntie Betrice! Remember me? Well I certainly remember you, you’re the nephew that put your pet snake in my hair. I still don’t forgive you for that.”
My eyes widen in excitement and shock.
“Wait- shouldn’t you be in azkaban-“
“Oh, come on. You know how poorly guarded that place is. Anyway, your mum sent me a letter asking me to come help you. I am getting you to that silly ball if it’s the last thing I do!”
“But auntie, I’m a boy, I can’t go!”
“Well, they don’t need to know that, do they?’
She does have a point. But still, there’s only about twenty minutes to get ready AND get there! “What’s the point. There’s no time anyway!”
“Hush, child. Have you forgotten who I am? Me and your mother went to balls all the time! And strip clubs! I’d say I’m quite the expert at these things. Now, I didn’t manage to grab my makeup, but I ALWAYS have a spare lipstick in my heels. We can work with that. And, I see you’re in a potions classroom as well. I’m sure I could whip something up. You just sit right there and watch a professional at work!”

I sit behind one of the desks and watch as aunt Betrice hurriedly opens and closes different cupboards and grabs handfuls of different ingredients and starts tossing them into a basket. Fairy wings, Rose petals, Ginger, some shiny silver fluff, a jar of gross brownish powder, a bottle of water and a leaf. I only know a few of them. She then goes to a little cauldron, where she begins her work. She grinds the fairy wings and mixes them slowly into the cauldron, then empties the bottle of water into the cauldron and stirs vigorously. She tosses the petals in, followed by the leaf, then stirs again. She then adds a ball of silver fluff to the mixture and seems to attack the cauldron with the spoon. After adding several powders, she lights the cauldron and sits beside me.
“There. Gotta let that simmer for about an hour then it’s done.”
“But we only have 12 minuites!” I exclaim.
“WHAT? WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME!” She gets up and storms toward the cauldron. She mutters a spell and the fire roars, brighter and stronger. After about 3 minutes she puts it out and scoops a little amount of the potion into a #2 teacher mug I bought for Snapiepop last year. She fills it about half way, then snoops around for something else. She finds a used bucket and mop and fills the rest of the mug with dirty water and shoves it in my face. “Drink it.”

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