Chapter fifteen

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Chapter 15

Lord Farquaad POV

It's been twenty minutes since the Ball started. I've looked in every corner, under every table, I even checked the chandelier! Maybe asking everyone to wear green dresses was a mistake, because I haven't seen her once! But I must seek her out.

"Ladies and Ladies, I will return shortly, as I have an important matter to attend to!" I bellow from before the diamond doors. The ladies do not acknowledge my presence at all and continue chatting amongst each other excitedly...

They must be gossiping about my great looks! I try to kick open the doors but they're very heavy, so I end up slowly and painfully sliding against the door, until it eventually is open and I am stuck doing the splits on the cold, exorbitant floor. I get up, but the door has already closed on me! I dejectedly push open the door with my smol hands uwu and gallop down the hall, going straight ahead, then manoeuvring around the two substantial corner pillars and boot open the door to the magic mirror's room. I'm having a very kick-open-door-y day today, if you didn't notice.


"JEEZ MAN. You scared me. I was just havin' my beauty sleep."

"You sleep?"

"You don't?"

"I- That's not important right now. What's IMPORTANT is that I CAN'T FIND DRACELLA."

"What do you expect me to do, magically tell you where she is?" The mirror and I are silent for a moment. I give him an Irked look and sigh. "Oh shit I can do that. Sorry man, I'll do that for you now."

My Magical WaifuOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant