Chapter nine

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Chapter 9

Dracella POV

“Soooo.... How do I look?”
“You. look. AMAZING, Dray Dray!”
“Thank you, Mamo.”
My mother looks me up and down proudly before standing up to hug me. I grin weakly.
“Don’t ruin my dress, Mum!”
She backs away, but keeps her hand encouragingly on my shoulder.
“I’m sure you’ll get the part, kid. But let’s get back to rehearsing, yeah?”
I smile at my mother as I lift her hand off my shoulder daintily.
“But of course”

Later during rehearsal

“Oh no, oh no! Whoever is out there, preferably a basic, white, brawny man in shining armour, mounted on an incredible white stallion and wielding an extremely sharp sword of silver, please save meeeee!”
“Oh, well done Draco!”
She wipes a tear from her eye, beaming with pride. I’m so very proud you Babi.”
“Thank you ma, but 10 foot radius, remember?” I remind her.

My Mother’s eyes widen.
“How about we get a nice picture of you in your lovely new dress! In the hallway would be perfect.”
“Which hallway mum?”
“The #wayricherthenyoupoorwhores Hallway.”
“Ahh, I’ve always loved that hallway.” I skip merrily out of the 3rd living room and hop up two flights of stairs, then wait in the candlelit hallway as my mother retrieves one of our many extortionate cameras.

“Ok mummy, tell me which pose looks more seductive. This?”
I lean against the wall with my arm supporting me, and bend over a little. “Oooor this?” I scurry awkwardly back to the centre of the hallway, and lift my dress a little, bending my right leg, my other arm perched across the top of my head.
“Oooh, I like that second one. Rotate your body about an inch to the left...”
I do as mumma sais, and watch her concentration as she adjusts the focus on the giganormous camera.
“and.... THERE!”
I freeze in place.
“Now stick out your ass a bit more. That’s it. You know what, stay right there. I’m getting my makeup kit, I think you’d look stunning with a spot of orange lipstick!”

Mum's a professional slut.

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