Chapter sixteen

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Chapter 16

Dracella POV

Auntie pulls a capsule from her pocket and throws it at the ground. In an instant, we are surrounded by smoke. I sputter and cough, and wave my hands before my face to clear my vision, but by the time I open my eyes, we're in a completely different place. It looks like... "The Forbidden Forest?"
"Looks like my smoke bomb worked. Some wizards like to meddle with illusion, but smoke blocks their minds and temporarily stops the illusion spell. Never mind them, I've been on the lam for years. They'll never catch me!" She cackles. We walk along the path of the Forbidden Forest, when something catches my leg and I trip. Before I can get up, something curls around my ankle and slowly lifts me up, and before I know it I'm dangling up-side-down, being whipped around in the air by the Whomping Willow! "Hang on tight, dearie!" I hear Aunt Betrice exclaim towards me. She rushes to the base of the tree, ducking under me as I am screaming in lowercase. She pushes a knot on the base of the tree and it lets go of me. "Hurry, love, we don't have any time to waste!"

We march along, holding up our dresses as to prevent dirt from staining them, of course my Auntie Betrice's is much less elegant and looks more like a used purple rag. She looks a bit like a Sims randomised outfit. My Auntie looks at me and speaks. "You see that wall over there?" she points toward one of the crooked brick walls of the Hogwarts school, and I nod. "Well, we're going up there."
"Up the WALL?"
"YES, dear. That's what I SAID. Now bunch up your dress, and don't chip any of your nails on the way up." I gather the skirt of my dress into a bunch and tie it around my waist. I climb up first, then Betrice follows behind me. The rocks are slippery and covered with plants and some gross goo. But the bricks are sticking out just enough that I can safely grab onto them to climb up. At one point I accidentally stood on my Auntie's face with my absoloutley stunning emerald crocs. Eventially, we make it to the top of the school. I climb on the roof, trying not to slide against the tiles in the dark. Aunt Betrice follows behind me, and casts a light spell to illuminate the area. "What do you think, then?"
"The sunset is quite pretty, but it's getting later and it is mostly gone by now."
"Not that, silly, the carriage!"
"What carriage?"
Auntie sighs, then grabs my neck and forcefully turns it to look upon a beautiful, stunning ginormous, glistening mandrake flower lying atop the roof of the school. "Oh, oops. I forgot to cast the spell!" She chuckles at herself, and prepares to cast a spell on the flower. Before she stops the Lumos spell, I check one of the many pocket watches spilling out of her coat pocket. After searching for a working clock, I exclaim in shock.

I gaze at what I think is the flower (it's hard to tell in this light) as it shakes on the roof. Little sparks of light emit from it, and suddenly, it starts growing! After only a few seconds it is twice my height! I watch as the petals close to form the main part of the carriage, the leaves curling around the edges to form a platform for me to walk into it. The stem curls around the front to form the reins and an extra leaf makes up the seat for the coach. "Oh, insane asylum break out Auntie... It's Gorgeous! But how will it fly?"
"Why, with magic, of course! Hop in!"

I step elegantly into the carriage, the pollen cushioning the floor and little petals curling to make velvet-like seats. I seat myself, and the door closes itself. As of now, I am filled to the brim with pure excitement! Auntie steps onto the coach box, and casts the Patronus charm. The Patronus attaches itself to the reigns, and I feel the carriage rise from the roof. Before I'm ready the carriage darts into the horizon at 753357375468468486486468 miles per hour. "AUntIe" I attempt to communicate with her but to no avail. I lift myself from the seat and drag myself to the front of the carriage and lean out the window. "AUNTIE!"
She does a freaky pterodactyl screech and I feel myself start to turn into a stream of light, then all of a sudden the carriage stops. I am launched forward and one of the petal doors open up for me to tumble out onto the grass. I look up in awe.

"We're here..."

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