Chapter twenty

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Chapter 20

Dracella POV

I hide myself behind Lord Farquaad, although it is difficult considering his height. How... Why... Is my father here? I gulp and peek around Farquaad. He seems concerned, or confused about the situation. I analyze the situation I am in. I am at a ball with a hot rich short lord having a splendid time. Or at least, I was. I am hiding from my father behind said lord because he would most certainly whoop my ass if he saw me. My father is dancing with a gross green ogre and looks quite irked about the situation. If he sees me, his temper would surely worsen.

But as I am attempting to piece together this information, Lord Farquaad turns to me, his face an inch away from mine, and asks me if I’m alright. However, the surprise of him suddenly turning to me as I am focusing combined with my gay ass results in me yelping, and jumping back. The entire ball goes silent, as they most probably did not expect a “girl’s” yell to sound so masculine. Including my daddy. He cracks his neck in my direction and our eyes lock, his wide and seem to be searing with rage. He loosens his hold on the ogre’s arms and begins his slow but swift march towards me, and I run for it.

I don’t even bother putting on my feminine voice, as my mind is flooded with panic. My fight of flight response has taken action and my daddy is only getting closer. I hear Lord Farquaad yell out from behind me, “WAIT, YOU MUSTN’T LEAVE! NOT YET!” But I barely acknowledge him. I sprint through the crowd of maidens and make for the door. As I am running across the drawbridge, the heel of my left croc is plummeted deep into the wood of the drawbridge, and it is stuck.
“AUNTIE, HELP!” I tug on my shoe to no avail.
“LEAVE, IT, DRACO!” She replies, hurriedly. I tug my foot from the shoe reluctantly and limp across the drawbridge, wincing from the splinters. We sprint to the carriage without looking back, and the clock strikes midnight.
“Oh, no, oh NO!”
“Auntie, what is it?!”
We hop into the carriage, Betrice casts the patronus spell once more and we’re off. I see nothing but streaks of pink and white in the otherwise vast emptiness of space, and my mind goes fuzzy and my body feels bright. I can barely move, and for a split second I think I might be dead. But as soon as it starts, it’s over, and I’m back in my bed, and I'm passing out.

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