( Chapter 24)

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(Guys, I finally got my wattpad account back.. now that I have recovered it.  I'll try to post more chapters often)

Raven is out of breath running as fast as she can to lexa

When Raven ran into the tent. Everyone looked up at her.

Alicia:"Raven?.. What's wrong?"

Alicia said in a concerned voice.

Raven is trying to catch her breath, wail talking...

Raven:"H-H-Hope... she's w-waking u-up."

Everyone stood up in a hurry and began to walk over to Hope.

When everyone entered Hope's room
They saw Octavia feeding her water.

Alicia rushed to Hope's side and gave her a big hug and a kiss on her head.

Alicia pulled away and looked at her
Alicia:"Hey, Hope hey baby girl, u okay.. are u fine. How are u feeling?"

Hope wiped her tears away and smiled at Alicia.
Hope:" I'm fine, thank you. Is Madi alright, tho. Is she fine?"

Alicia:"Why don't u tell her yourself?"
Alicia said, wail moving away so she could see her.



Clarke put Madi down where Hope was, and Madi lunched herself at Hope wail laughing.

Hope:"Hey Madi!! Are u ok?"

Madi:"Me Allwight, hopy me, fine."

Hope hugged her hafe sister and kissed her forhead..

Clarke then went up to Hope and hugged her to.
Clarke:" Thank u, Hope... for saving my little girl. "

Hope gave her a shy smile back at Clarke
Hope:"Your welcome"

When Hope saw lexa take a step closer to Hope, she freaked out..


Alicia gently pushed lexa out of the away and went up to Hope.

Alicia:"Hey. Hey. What's wrong?"

Hope hugged Alicia and Hid her face in Alicia's neck, wail having tears in her eyes.

Hope:"She was the one who threw that boom at Madi. Alicia "


Raven: "Hey, calm down."

Lexa looks at Raven Angry

Lexa:"DON'T. you dare tell me to calm down. I would never NEVER HURT MY DAUGHTER" 

Clarke went in front of Raven, facing lexa

Clarke:"Babe. Calm down. I know u would never do that. Let's just figure this out, alright?"

Clarke then gave lexa a kiss on the lips.
And wiped her tears way.

Lexa:"I-I would never Do that Clarke"

Clarke:"I know, babe. I know, so let's think, okay. Because we both know u would never"


Then, lexa had an idea who it might be and got super mad....

Alicia:"Lexa! NO!"

Before Alicia had a chance to convince her not to go.. she was off with her super speed.

Clarke and Raven at the same time
"Where is she going?"

Raven:"But that couldn't been her."

Octavia:"She was with me the whole time. watching over that coma girl that just appeared out of nowhere. I ONLY left her alone today because Raven called me because hope was waking up. "

Then the hole room started to collapse on them because of a huge energy came through.


Then the hole bunker came down on them. Alicia, out of instincts, used her superstrangth to hold a part of the roof that was falling, saving Octavia,Raven,Clarke,madi, and Hope from dying..

Alicia Yelling  Wail, holding the hole bunker on her back..

Clarke:"Alicia, u got to let go. u can.."

Alicia:"No... I would not.... forgive myself if something happened to all of u... especially u Clarke"

-           2 minutes earlier

Alicia:" Lexa! NO!"

Before Alicia had a chance to convince her not to go.. she was off with her super speed.

Lexa stormed into the room luna was in and saw her next to the girl who had just appeared out of nowhere

Lexa quickly grabbed luna by the neck and pushed her up against the wall

Luna:"Hey, what the hell!!"

Lexa:"Stop!! WHY COULD U.. they are the only thing I have.."

Luna:"What are u talking about?"

Lexa:"U tied to kill Madi... and in doing so... YOU PUT HOPE MY DAUGHTER IN A COMAAA"

Luna:"Hey.. I didn't do that. I promise,"

Lexa:"How do I know you're telling me the truth?".

Luna:"I would have fighted back as soon as I hit the wall."

The girl in bed woke up yelling, and her back started to grow, and a huge wave came out of her. Causing lexa and luna fall to the ground

Lexa saw the hole bunker about to collapse and quickly grabbed an unconscious luna, and the girl  in both arms and super speed out of there.

When lexa got outside, everything fell to the ground..

Lexa turned around and fell to the ground with a tear in her eyes, nowing Clarke and the rest were still down there

Luna woke up and looked at lexa, confused. When she looked around, she connected the peaces together...

She quickly got up and went to all the rubble.

Luna:"LEXA.. come on, they can still be down there hurry. "

Lexa:"No, they died."

Luna went up to lexa and made her focus on her.

Luna:"Lexa... Alicia is down there with them. "

Lexa looked at luna with hopefully eyes.

Luna:"Yeah, u see. Alicia would never let them die now. Come on,"

Lexa stood up and went to the rubble and used her x ray vision to see where they were...

Then see saw Alicia holding everything on her back with her hands.. and saw everyone under Alicia still alive..

Lexa:"Luna, hurry. Alicia is holding everything on her back down there. they don't have much time."

Luna:"Okay....... dam, it lexa. Gaia is down there to"

Lexa looked to the other side and saw 2 people down there with her..

Lexa:"Okay, they are still alive.. Gaia, my mom and a gurd are down there to. U luna get Alicia and the rest out wail. I take Gaia and my mom out.. since Noone  is holding that up for them, it can go down on them , so I need to be careful. "

Luna:"No, we get Alicia and the rest out together, and u and Alicia bring heda out and let her take Gaia and the others that are down there out to"

Lexa:"Fine, but let's hurry. Less talking more doing"

(Posting another one soon. I'm still writing it)

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