(Chapter 17)

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Luna didn't know what to do.... Should she stay there and not risk getting killed by heda.... Or go agenst heda's orders and go save lexa and risk getting killed afterwards...

Luna was debating not knowing what to do....


Diyoza:"GO GET ME THE OTHER Twin.. bring her here... I want her to see her sister suffer if she doesn't tell me where Luna is"

Diyoza looked at Lexa and saw her trying to breath with blood inside her mouth...

She saw Lexa on the verge of dying... But she took the knife out and turned off the white cristal when she saw Lexa all heald she quickly turned it back on....

She wanted answers and she's going to get them sooner or later ...

When they brought Alicia in....
Alicia cryed ok sight when she saw her twin....

She had a bruise eye... Her lips cut.... Blood dripping down her forehead covering her face... And her shirt all riped off.. seeing where they stabbed her with a knife....

Alicia:"W-Why are you d-doing this...how do you know all this stuff?"

Dy:"That's for me to know. And For YOU To Dot Dot Dot."

Alicia:"hurt me not her... Please not her"

Dy:"Will..I was thinking to do it to you instead.... But then I was thinking... I have to do it to her"


Dy:"Well she ha... Never mind... I'll let you find out later.... Know tell me where Luna is or else she get it"

Alicia:"She's dead okay. Heda killed her"

Diyoza waited a second.

Dy:"Wrong answer..."

Diyoza then grabbed the knife and out of anger and frustration that she lied to her.. and stabbed it In her chest again...

Alicia:"Nooo.. noo.. lexa... Lexa... No. Pull it out. Stop. Your killing her it's the truth"

Dy:"LIER tell me or i'll kill her"

Lexa at this point couldn't talk or see. she was getting week and give up slowly

Lexa:"A-Ali... K-Ke-ep.. my... P-Prin-cesses. S-sa-fe for... M- Me"

Alicia:"No.. no.. Lexa you keep fighting please... You need to take care of them.. you need to go back to your wife..... Your princess will need. Her mother when she grows up"

Lexa:"I-I'm d-Do-ne i-i can't"

Dy:"That it..."

Then Diyoza stabbed Lexa right in the heart killing her.


Madi woke up crying and looking around..
Clarke ran to Madi and carried her.

Clarke:"It's okay baby... It's okay...your alright"

Madi:"No.. ma-ma.. noo D-Dad-dy"

Madi yelling wail a sobbing mess.

Clarke:"She'll be back don't worry"

Madi:"No.. ma-ma... N-n-no"


Luna:"THAT IT..."

Luna with her strength riped the door from the wall and threw it on the ground..

She superspeed out of there and when outside she flew to where the twin were at.


Diyoza:"Now tell me or I kill you next"

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