(Chapter 9)

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Clarke woke up Madi from her nap.


Clarke:"Madi baby. Lesson to me. You see this?. This is the flame. I'm going to give this to you and you will crawl threw here. And say Alicia's name and you will give this to her okay"

Madi grabbed the flame and was playing with it.

Clarke:"Madi no give this to Alicia ok say it"

Madi:"Ali. Mama Ali"

Clarke:" Good now. Go"

Clarke set Madi down on the vent and Madi started to crawl.
Hafe way there she got tired and laid down. For a wail playing with the flame wail singing.

Madi:"Mama is my. Maaaaamaaaa. Maaammmmaaa is my Maaaaamaaaa"

Raven:"is? Is she singing"

Abby covered her mouth from laughing.
Clarke got down and yelled at the vents.

Clarke:"Madi Baby keep going"
Madi:"But Maamaa. Me tired. Me no more"

Clarke:"I know sweety but if you keep going I'll give you a candy"

Clarke:"I promise baby"

Madi:"Otay mama Otay"

Then Madi kept going intel she reached the end.
Madi:"Ali. Ali me tired open open"

Alicia heard Madi.  So she got up and went to the vents and opened it.
She grabbed Madi and pulled her out and reclosed it.

Madi was about to sleep when she remembered.
Madi:"mama said u have dis"

She gave the flame to Alicia and she fell asleep right away.

Alicia carefully set Madi down.
Far away from Lexa as possible.

Then she went over to Lexa and carefully without waking her up she turned her over and said the magic words and soon the flame was back in lexa's head....

Alicia quickly went over to Madi in the corner of the room. Protecting her wail lexa woke up.


Then the grounders took. Clarke, Raven,Indra,Abby,Gaia, and Monty to the arena

Once there everyone was surrounding them yelling what ever they wanted.
Soon Octavia came and everyone went silent.

O:"These Traders will fight to death last one standing gets to live"

Clarke:"I'm not going to fight Octavia."

O:"Will then that's your fault."

Clarke:"When she finds out I'm dead. She going to come after you. And let's just pray your fast enough to get away"


Indra and gaia we're fight together.
Wail Raven was by Clarke.

The only once fighting where Indra and Gaia.

Indra:"Don't do this"


Indra:"I don't hate you Gaia"

Gaia:"Yes you DO!"

When Octavia saw that only gaia and Indra were fighting. Octavia stoped the fight.

Octavia:"That it. If no one want to fight. I'll do it another way"

Then she order 6 strong men to kill them all
Once they were in there.

Clarke and Raven kept running away from them but Indra succeeded to kill one.

Gaia kill one to them when she saw Clarke she grabbed the sword that was on the ground and was heading to Clarke.

Indra saw this but couldn't go to her because she was fighting a guy.


Gaia:"This is for reviving her back. It was all going good but noooo you had to bring her back"

Clarke at this point was crying baking up from her.

Clarke:"Plz don't D-do this. I'm sorry please"

Clarke punched Gaia in the face but then Gaia drop Clarke to the floor with her feet.

Gaia was about to stab Clarke right in the heart when Lexa broke in and pushed gaia to the wall.

Lexa stood there looking all around confused and mad.

Lexa:"What is all of this?"
Lexa asked looking up at everyone of her people.

But no one dared to talk. They new heda was back.

Lexa:"HAVE YOU GUYS LEANED NOTHER. I GAVE YOU ALL A RULE............ A RULE YOU ALL BROKE............. WHAT HAPPENED TO ALWAYS PROTECT YOUR PRINCESS. HU......... WHAT HAPPEN TO THAT LOYALTY THAT IF I DYED...... YOU WILL ALL FOLLOW MY PRECIOUS WIFE.......NOT SOME RANDOM PERSON.......... Standing here I see you all don't care about the commanders anymore. Because if you did. You all will not have been standing there watching My own sister Gaia kill my wife. The person you sweared. TO PROTECT AT ALL COST.............. NOW FOR PUNISH MENT YOU WILL ALLL HAND ME THE PERSON WHO WAS CONTRLING YOU ALL...... and you will all clean this bloody place. Take off all this stuff on the walls. And make this place how it was........ Then you will all start billing tents outside......... If you want me to treat you all like a subject I WILL.  NOW DO AS I SAY OR YOU ALL PAY ME WITH YOUR LIFE"

Lexa went up to Clarke and stood her up. She have her a big kiss on the lips and hugged her.

Clarke:"I-i missed y-you s-so much"

Lexa:"It's okay I'm here now"

Clarke:"There's something you need to know......"

Grounder:"Heda this is the person"

Lexa:"Thanks lock her up I'll be there soon"

Then lexa looked over at Indra and that put a smile on her face.


Lexa ran over to her and hugged her.

Lexa:"You okay?"

Indra:"yes I'm okay"

Alicia:"Clarke here Madi. Careful she sleeping"

When Lexa heard Alicia's name she quickly turned around and looked at her with a smile and tears in her eyes.


Lexa ran Soo fast to Alicia they both fell to the ground.

Alicia:"It's good to see you to Munchkin"
Lexa:"Ali. I thought I'll never see you again"

Alicia:"I could say the same about you munchkin"

Lexa got up and helped Alicia stand up.

Alicia:"I think you should talk to Your wife munchkin"

Lexa:"Why? She looked fine when I saw her. See"

Alicia:"Lexa plz go talk to her. She missed you very much. And there's a lot you missed.talk to her okay"

Lexa:"okay. First you deal with Gaia for trying to kill my wife. And i'll go see this person that was the leader of them. Then I'll talk to Clarke"

Alicia:"okay but hurry"

Lexa:" I will don't worry"

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