(Chapter 2)

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6 years ago
Nobody's POV

When Clarke's water broke Clarke had to do everything by herself since she was the only one there.

It was hard for Clarke to give birth by herself.
But she did it.

When Clarke Heard a baby cry she new her baby was born already.
And that put a smile on her face.

She grabbed a par of scissors and she cut the umbrella Accord by herself.

She grabbed a towel that was near her and with it she grabbed her baby that was on the bed and carried it.

She didn't know what was the gender of the baby so she uncovers the baby and saw it was a smile baby girl.
Clarke had a huge smile on her face.

Clarke grabbed another towel that she put there and some water that she put there and began to clean all the black blood off her
When she was done she kissed her baby on the forehead.

Clarke's pov

It was hard to give birth but it's all worth it.
My baby fell asleep and I couldn't stop and stare at her.
She so beautiful.

"Thank you lexa for giving me a beautiful baby girl. I wish you were here with me. But your dead. And I promise I'll tell her all about you"

I could help but notice that the little hair she had. That made me smile at the thought that she got lexa's hair.

Clarke:"What should I name you. Alexa? Sara? Samantha? Anna? Madi?...... Yes that's your name Madi"

I went back to sleep and next thing I know it was madi's first birthday she's finally 1 year old and I can finally go see if I can get them out of that bunker.

I woke up by Madi crying in the next room I made her.
When I entered she put her hands towards me so I can pick her up.


Clarke:"Hi baby I know I know your hungry"

I picked up Madi and changed her bipers and changed her cloths.
I went to the kitchen and have her a plat of fruits and a little drink on the side

Madi:"ank u mama"

Clarke:"Your welcome"

I grabbed a bag and put all the food I had and water bottles.

I set Madi on the floor of her room and gave her a toy so she can play.
I grabbed another bag and put madi's cloth she might need.
I then put on a baby carrier on the front of me picked up Madi and put her in.


Clarke:"I know baby but we need to leave okay"

I gave her a bottle of milk so she can drink.
Soon when I notice she was sleeping I put on the bags in my back and headed out.

When I was out of the building there was dust all over the place.
I put on a blanket over Madi so it won't get in her eyes.

I then covers my mouth and started walking in the direction of the bunker.
Hafe way threw the walk Madi woke up and started crying.

I put the blanket on the sand and took her out and changed her diaper.
Wail I was doing that she was talking in her baby language. Wail playing with her fingers.

When I was done I was going to put Madi back but she started to cry.

Clarke:" it's windy out here you can hurt your eyes baby come here"

I took her and put her back in it.

Madi:"Mama milky"

All the milk was gone so I drank some water and lifted up my shirt so she can drink milk out of me.
When she lached on me I took the blanket and covered her.

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