(Chapter 11)

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Previously on Commander lexa lives

Clarke:"Lexa that's the thing I need to talk to you about........... When you died few months passed and I found out I was pregnant..... By that time I was all alone because the nuclear boom happened I had to deal with having the kid all myself and rasing her myself.......... Lexa we already have a baby. Her name is Madi and she's 5 years old"


Present time

Clarke began to cry
Clarke:"Lexa please don't be mad at me. I now that you wanted to see her first everything's and......."

Lexa:"No no Clarke baby it's okay it's okay don't cry. I'm not mad."

Lexa said Wail hugging Clarke.
Clarke pulled away and looked at Lexa.

Clarke:"Y-your not mad"

Lexa:"Of course not baby. I'm just worried that you had to deal with it all alone. I'm sorry I left you. I could of helped you"

Clarke:"It's okay...... If you hadn't jumped in front of the bullet for me.........Madi would have dyed and so would have I. So thank you."

Lexa hugged Clarke and give her a kiss on the forehead.

Lexa:"Can I see her?"

Clarke:"Of Course. MADI BABY. Come her for one second please"

Madi:"but mamaaaa. Me playing"

Clarke:"Just one second please"

Madi got up from the dirt and went to Clarke upset.
Madi:"Mama. Madi was playing"

Clarke grabbed her from the ground and into her arms.

Clarke:"Madi baby th....."
Madi pointing at Lexa

Madi:"Who. Dat mama?"

Lexa softly saying hi to Madi.

Madi got shy/happy and hid in Clarke's neck.

Clarke:"Madi do you know who this is?"

Madi got away from her neck and pointed at her hair. Then at lexa's


Then she pointed at her mouth and then lexa's mouth

Madi:"Same two"

Then she pointed at her eyes then at Clarke's eyes.

Madi:"Mama and me same eyes...Mama is Dat me daddy?"

By this point Clarke was crying out of happeness because she new she had a smart daughter.

Madi then wiped Clarke's tears.
Madi:"Mama no cry no cry peez"

Madi then hugged Clarke and taped her back making Clarke laugh.

Clarke:"Mama is happy baby. Do you want to go with your mommy?"

Madi looked up from Clarke then back at Lexa.
Madi:"Mommy nice?"

Lexa:"Yeah I'm nice"

Madi said Wail extending her hands at Lexa. Lexa carefully took Madi from Clarke's hands and began to hug her gently trying her best not to hug her to strong.

Madi hugged Lexa back and was taping her back happy.
Madi:"Mommy stay with us?"

Lexa wail still hugging her said yes.
Lexa:"Yes baby. I'm not going anywhere"

Madi:"Otay. Mommy stay"
Madi then felt tried and began to sleep in lexa's arms. Wail lexa hugged her with Soo much love in her heart. Happy she has a child. A child she needs to get to know better. A child she needs to protect. Along with her wife.

Clarke:"I think she fail asleep"

Then a person came up to them.
"Heda your tent is all set up"

Lexa:"Thank you. You may leave now"

When the person left. Lexa turned to Clarke extending her hand out for her.

Lexa:"Let's go sleep princess. We have a long day tomorrow"

Clarke happily walked with Lexa to her big tent. Once in there Lexa carefully placed Madi in the middle of the bed and they each laid down on each side of her. And slowly fell asleep.

Both happy that they have eachother back and have made a beautiful family.


Alicia carful walked into Octavia's cell and sat down next to her.

O:"Hey Lexa? Or is it the other one?"

Alicia:"It's Alicia... Hey I have a question.... Since they all were following you..... At the battle field to win over the bunker........ You won right?"

Octavia:"Yeah.... That's why they were all following me............ Why?"

Alicia:"By any chance was there any person by the name Luna kom flokru there competing with you all?"

Octavia:"Kom what...... I never hear that name in my life........ I'm sorry Alicia but that person you just said was not there at all...... She never showed up"

Alicia then stood up quickly panicking.

Octavia:"Hey hey woah woah calm down and tell me what is happening okay."

Alicia slowly calmed down and looked at Octavia.

Alicia:"when I ran away from the conclave so Lexa can win. A couple years later when I found out Lexa died I lost it. So I went to go visit my ex. But when I found her. She activated her powers I saw her hole village burne down to the ground all her people died. Yes she a night blood...... When she turned around she saw me and thought it was me who did it........ I tried to stop her trying to tell her it was not me....... She didn't believe me........ So we fought...... I tried my best to bet her........... But she had to many powers. she knocked me out and the last thing she said was they will all die...... So I was guessing she was going to the battle field.......... But she didn't.......... Octavia she's still out there"

Octavia:"so if we ever found her Lexa can handle her we good"

Alicia got up mad and looked at Octavia.

Alicia:"You don't get IT. I didn't run away from the conclave because i was afraid to lose........ I ran away because I new I would win...... And if I killed Lexa I would not have lived with my self...... Octavia don't you get it?!.... Luna was able to bet ME.... ME OCTAVIA MEEEE... I'M STRONG THEN LEXA...... I WAS THE LAST ONE STANDING WHEN LEXA WAS NOT HERSELF......if Luna can bet me. Then we are all dead...... Because Luna is the strongest  night blood out there and nobody can stop her....... Not even me"

Alicia then fell to the floor crying.

Hey guys sorry I haven't posted yet I was buzzy with work......

But any way I need a love interest for Alicia and I want you all to pick who.

Between Raven or Octavia....
Or if you have someone better please tell  me thanks and don't forget to vote. If you want 😁 bye 👋

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