( Chapter 22 )

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Alicia was in the middle of telling Clarke and Lexa what Hope had told her.

When echo and indra came in running.

Alicia:"What's wrong?"

Both echo and Indra out of breath.
Indra:"You guys need to come see this and quick"

They all got up and quickly ran outside were a crowd of people were around something.

They all pushed pass angerly


When they got to the middle of what all the people were standing around. They were all confused.

Luna:"You took us out here for this?"
Luna said angerly at echo and indra.

Echo:"You don't understand!. She just came out of nowhere"

Clarke:"What do you mean?"

Indra:"What echo is trying to say is. That we were all doing our jobs when a huge blue circle glowing thing appeared and she came out of it.... looking like this."

Lexa was getting frustrated and was hitting her head. Clarke noticed and held her hands.

Clarke:"Hey hey. Look at me. Look at me"

Lexa looked at her with worry.

Clarke:"It's okay What's wrong?"

Lexa:"I can't deal with this right know. I almost lost my daughter.. and just found out I have another.. what if she a threat to all of us... I can't risk it"

Clarke looked back at the girl laying on the ground with opened cuts all over her body.

Clarke:"is that blue blood?"

Raven got close and touched it...

Raven:"no... it looks like she been shoot"

Clarke:"What if we chain her up.. Will that make you feel better?"

Lexa:"No..I just can risk it.. I can't risk my family's life"

Clarke:"look at her Lexa. What if she not a danger to us... she hurt. fragile... she looks young. Like 20. You can really suggest we kill her?"

Raven:"Hey I think I can make hand cuffs with this blue glowing thing. That she has all over her body"

Alicia:"Yeah do it.... we won't kill her... we will chain her up... if they shoot her with that. It must be for a reason.."

Raven nodded her head at Alicia.

Lexa:"Fine but if your wrong I'll kill her"

Raven:"Sure. No problem green eyes"

Clarke:"Get her to a bed. I'll remove all of the blue glowing bullets and give it to Raven... but wail she dose that. Luna I'm going to need you to gard her intel raven's done".

Lexa:"Carefull Clarke please"

Clarke:"I will. Promies"

Clarke kissed Lexa on the lips then walked off to the medical center.

Wail Lexa grabbed Madi off the floor

Lexa:"let's go see your sister yeah?"


Lexa looked at Alicia and said.

Lexa:"why don't you join us.. I want to hear the rest of this story. Of Hope'"

Alicia gave her a small smile and nodded her head at Lexa and began to walk..


Clarke:"Hey that's the last of it.... when will it be ready?"

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