(Chapter 4)

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If you know me and had read my previous books. You all know Alicia is in all of my books. So you know I was about to put her in here. 😁😁😁🤭🤭🤭


Lexa and Alicia are twins Alicia was born. First which made lexa the little sister.

Both Alicia and Lexa are nightblood. So when they were little they took both of them to train.
Both twins were scared but Lexa was more scared.
Lexa didn't want to kill Alicia she wanted her by her side.

When they were training Alicia was the best out of all of them.
Wail lexa couldn't even get one step right.
Alicia saw her sister not doing good and she new that if she didn't help her she would of been died the first round.
And she didn't want that for her sister.

So at night she helped lexa train nobody new this because Lexa and Alicia shared a room to them selfs.
Because they thought Alicia was going to win the conclave. And wanted her to spend the rest she had with Lexa.

So at night Alicia grabbed 2 wooden swords and began to teach Lexa.
She new Lexa was a slow learner and new she didn't understand the teachers so she helped lexa the way she new she would learned best and that was by keeping your patience wail teaching her.

Alicia has been doing this for the passed 2 years helping Lexa train and when the conclave was here she new Lexa was going to bet everyone up.
But she also new that she would never win her she new she was better then her so she did what was best and ran way.

But before she ran way she fought in the conclave and fought the fighters that Lexa couldn't win with so when she ran away she new Lexa would win.

When Alicia fought the last strong fighter she new Lexa would win the conclave and be the next commander. There was 3 fighters left so they left that fight intel tomorrow. So they all went to sleep at night Alicia woke up Lexa.

Alicia:"Lexa wake up"

Lexa sat down rubing her eyes.
Lexa:"what is the fight here already?! No no I can't fight you I won't please"

Alicia:"Lexa your not going to fight me okay. I'm running away. Look this girl has a week spot I've seen how she fights. She has bad balance so if you knock her feets she will fall down there you quickly step on the arm she hads her sword and kill her. Then you win"

Lexa:"What your running away... No please you can't I-i need you"

Alicia:"Lexa if we want to see each other in the future I need to go okay. I'll be watching over you in secret it's like I never left. Don't cry it's for the best okay. I love you and kick her ass for me ok bye"

Lexa:"bye Alicia I'll miss you"

Since that Day lexa has not seen Alicia anymore.
But as promised she kept watching and protecting her in secret.
But she was not in person. She had a spy watching over her.
And that spy had a name. Her name was Indra Kom trikru.

But since the Day Lexa got shoot and Died Indra went to go tell Alicia.
when she did Alicia got a mental brake down which cost her to unless her powers.
She had Super Strength.
Fly, Bullet proof, Speed and Invisibly.
Lexa had the same but has not unleashed her yet.

When Alicia calmed down she looked at Indra with tears in her eyes.

Alicia:"Tell me w-what happened p-please"

Indra:"Your Sister died protecting her wife.
Clarke griffen. She tried to save her... I'm very very sorry"

Alicia:"Who. Killed. My. Sister?"

Indra:"Titus. He killed her"

Alicia:"thanks press this butten if you ever need me. Emergency only. And I'm not planning on being commander so don't you dear mention me"

Then Indra left and when Alicia new who Titus was she went there and killed him

Titus:"Wait Alicia Your Sister I......"

Titus didn't finish his sentence when. Alicia riped his heart out of his chest.
Alicia:"That was for my sister"

After that day Alicia has secretly been watching over Clarke because she new Lexa would of want her to keep Clarke safe.

Since Alicia had Invisibility she was there with Clarke all the way she was there when Clarke was pregnant.

When she saw Clarke didn't have baby food she ran to the green spot and made baby food the best she could and set it all in the pantry.. she even made diaper for Clarke.

When Clarke was giving birth Alicia saw that Madi's hand was coming out first so she gently with Clarke not knowing. Helped Madi put her hand back in and sat her right.
Then she let Clarke do the rest.

When Madi was born Alicia wanted to cry because she saw Lexa in Madi all the time.

Ever since that day Alicia has been in Clarke's side walking with her and protecting her.

When Clarke was outside trying to get her people outside of that bunker Alicia wanted to help but she couldn't she didn't want to.
So she stayed in the rover with baby Madi.
When she saw Madi opening her eye she just sat there looking at her with a smile on her face.

But then she noticed Madi doing grabby hand twords her.

Alicia:"Can you.... See me?"
Madi:"Up up"

Alicia just smile and knowing she can see her.

Skip time 6 years later.

When Madi was playing with the stick. She was secretly playing with Alicia.
But since Alicia was invisible Clarke only saw Madi fighting in the air.

Madi:"Me dodo"
Madi crying telling Alicia

Alicia:"Oh no go tell mommy"

Alicia just smiled when she saw Madi running to Clarke.

When they both went in Alicia went.          un invisible and starting eating an apple she got from a tree and ate it behind a bush resting.

Present time
In the bunker.

When Indra was able to get inside that secret room she was shocked to see Lexa there.
She went to the computer and saw the instructions to revive Lexa.

But she could do this on her own she was ganna need help from Gaia and a doctor.

So she waited to the right time to revive Lexa and this was not the time to do it.

Guess who forgot to pay there phone bill.🤣🤭

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