( Chapter 21 )

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Alicia:"you have my word. That I won't tell her. Just tell me how your her daughter. I don't remember you coming out of Clarke. Only Madi"

Hope:"That because Clarke's not my mom.. costia is"


Present time

Alicia:" How is costia your mother.... Like I mean she cheated on her.... That's why lexa abandoned her........That how she got pregnant"

Hope:"No.....my mom told my grandma that she was pregnant... And when she found out it was from Lexa.... She wanted to kill me.... My mom was so heartbroken she was willing to do anything. Just to keep me....
So the quinn azgeda made a deal with her.... She can keep me if she......if she cheated on her... when Lexa found out she abandoned her...... And when the news of costia was pregnant...lexa thought it was from that guy. She saw her cheat with.... My mom was having doubts if I was really lexa's child.... But when I was born..... She noticed this symbol on my neck... And new right away. That I was her child.... When I was 3 years old. My mom was going to tell her I was her daughter.... But she didn't. Because she found out she got married... They looked so happy... So my mom just ran away with me. To keep me happy"

Hope was crying wail telling the story. Alicia felt bad so she walked up to her and gave her a big hug.

Hope:"Please don't tell her.... S-she's going to h-hate me.... I'm a disappointment"

Hope said wail hugging Alicia back.

Alicia pulled away and looked at Hope.

Alicia:"Hey. No.. don't ever think like that... You are not a disappointment. Ok you hear me"

Hope:"yes I'm a disappointment... She doesn't e-even want me n-near them. All I e-ever wanted was to h-have a family that l-loves me as m-much as my mother d-did"

Alicia pulled Hope back in her arms.
Alicia:"Shhhh go to sleep Hope. Your a gift for being here. I got you. Sleep"

The next morning

Everyone was outside and enjoying the weather.

Grass was starting to show. And the earth was starting to grow back again little by little. So they decided to stay there and clean up the place a little...

Alicia,Lexa and Luna were helping Raven
Clear up the place a little since they had powers...

Hope wanted to help. But Lexa didn't allow it.

Everyone was done for the day and was enjoying the rest of the day...

Lexa and Clarke sat next to each other looking at Madi play.

And in the other side..
Alicia sat next to Hope.

Alicia:"Hey you okay?"

Hope:"yeah I'm fine."

Alicia:"you got to tell her Hope"

Hope looking down playing with her hands.

Hope:"I don't want her to be disappointed with me. I'm a mistake that shouldn't been born"

Alicia just hugged hope knowing she would not change her mind...

But then Out of nowhere Hope got a vision.


??:"you sure this will work?"

??:"I'm positive... Once you kill her. She will go crazy and kill everyone on sight"

??:"but how do you know this stuff?"

??:"I tried it once.. it was going to work... But she got In the way"

.. the man grabbed the special grenade made by them self and threw it at Madi...

It happened Soo fast Lexa Alicia or Luna could of not saved her and she dropped dead...

Lexa went crazy and killed Alicia and Luna first then killed everyone else... All she can see was red out of anger...

End of vision-

Hope quickly opened her eyes and panicked grew on her face.
Alicia saw this.

Alicia:"What wrong Hope?"

Hope whispers Madi under her breath.
Lucky Alicia heard it.

Hope looked around for Madi quickly.
When she saw her she new she only had second to shield her from that boom.

She stood up and used her superspeed to get to Madi...

But it was like everything went in slow motion...

Every thought raced in Hopes mind..

Will she be able to stop it on time.

Will she be able to protect her little sister on time.

If so she was gladly that her last seconds on this earth was going to be protecting Madi. And she was fine with that..

Hope saw the boom and yelled.


Which got lexa's attention and looked at Hope.
She stood up and ran

Hope jumped in front of Madi and hugged her...

Making the boom hit Hope's back.
The boom exploded making everyone the was standing fall back...

Everyone stood up and looked at Hope.


Clarke yelled and ran to her.
Lexa ran to her to.. but Alicia got there first.

Alicia gently grabbed Hope making madi stand up and jumped to lexa's and Clarke's arms crying..

Alicia:"Hope.H-Hope stay with m-me. Stay with me.. y-your going to b-be okay"

Lexa:"Alicia she gone"

Lexa said putting a hand on her sisters shoulders...

Lexa:"there's no heart bet"

Alicia:"Noo Hope Noo... YOU CAN'T DIE. NOO please"

Lexa:"Alicia P...."

Alicia looked at Lexa with crying eyes.

Alicia:"p-please help her l-lexa.... S-she's y-your daughter Dam it"

Lexa was frozen she didn't know what to do.

When Clarke heard this she new right away she need to help her

Clarke:"I'm going to need an explanation after this"

Clarke said and stated to do cpr..

Clarke:"RAVEN. Make a coma room bed for her she ganna need it"

Raven:"on it"

Clarke:"Octavia get me an adult diaper she ganna be out for weeks. Mabye months"


Once Hope started to breath again Clarke said.

Clarke:"Help me get her to the room"

Alicia was going to grab her when Lexa stoped her.

Lexa:"No.. let me Alicia.. she my responsibility now"

Alicia nodded and grabbed Madi instead.

Lexa took her to the bed. And Clarke took care of the rest.

Once everything was done.

All you can hear was the monitor beeping.
Saying Hope will live.

Clarke:"nice monitor raven"

Raven:"I bilt it along time ago. But never got to us it properly"

Clarke:"nice work"

Lexa turned to Alicia

Lexa:"tell me everything and Now"

Commander Lexa livesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora