(Chapter 3)

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Octavia walked back to the computer and moved the spy out of the way.

Spy:"What are you doing?"

O:" trying to figure out how she is still alive"

The spy walked up to the crail sleep pod and looked at her and notice a bullet wond that was patched up.

Spy:"Is that how she died by a bullet wond"

O:"yes yes. But she's not dead and it's confusing. Computer how is lexa kom trikru not dead"

Then the computer started to show a video

In the video it showed Titus puting her in the pod and then closing it.
Titus then walked up to the video camera and said.

T:"I know it's wrong of me to keep lexa's dead body in here. But..... I know that sooner or later someone is going to find the bunker and if you do..... Plz tell Clarke I didn't mean to kill lexa my heda...... But I had orders from beca the first commander and she said that Lexa is going to be the first ever commander to come back from the dead and have this special power...... My main point is that beca made this lab in the bunker and made this instructions to show the person that found this room inside the bunker how to revive Lexa our commander back.... Plz plz plz don't take anything from this room all the supplies
Are needed to bring heda back... So plz bring heda back home for me.... Tell her I was sorry....... Bye"

End of video

Spy:"what do we do?"

O:"she dead and I'm not bringing her back. Let not talk about this to any one especially the trikru clan and Clarke. She and everything stays in here. Nobody needs her back I'm blood Raina and I rule this clan. Now.  Got it"

Spy:"Yes I got it"

O:"Good lock up and make sure nobody sees you"

At the ark

Echo:"we need a way down. It's been 6 years already"

Murphy:"raven have you found a way to get down?"

Raven:"Don't you think if I found a way we will still be here"

Emory:"look what do you need to get down"

Raven:" Well I can get us down there by manual but we need gass fual and we barley have some"

Bellamy:"If we take all the fual from this ark will it work?"

Raven:"I mean yes. But it's ganna be hard. If we do that this ark will not function any more and it's just going to float away"

Echo:"and how is that a bad thing?"

Monty:"Because if we take all the Gass away from the ark we have less then 1 mint to get in the drop ship or else we won't land on earth"

Murphy:"Then we do it quickly and we have to make this work. Clarke didn't die for us so die to. We have to make this work"

Raven:"okay if we going to do this. Who  is the fastest runner?"

Echo:"that would be me"

Raven:"okay wail you get the feul. We will all get in the drop ship. When you get every last drop from the ark you run as fast as you can. Bellamy keep that Gass open and when echo come you both quicky put all the Gass in the drop ship and get in fast because when the drop ship door closes I'm leaving or else we won't make it to Earth's green spot left"

Harper:"Okay are you guys ready. I'll go and get all the guns really fast and I'll meet you there"

Raven:"okay on my mark we all run and do what we have to do meet at the drop ship before that door closes. You have 1 mint to get here. Get ready ....... Set...... GOOO"

Then everyone stood up and ran to do what they needed. Echo went to get the Gass. Bellamy opened the Gass lid. Harper and Monty went to get the guns very quickly

When Harper and Monty got to the drop ship echo ran to the drop ship and got all the Gass inside the door was about to close when every one go in on time.
Raven then pushed the button and headed down to earth.

Bellamy:"Couldn't you wait at least for us get stap in"

Raven:"if I did wait we would of landed in the other side of the earth you want us to die or something bell"

Bellamy:"No sorry"


Clarke's pov

Clarke is sitting on a chair outside watching Madi play.
Everytime madi get older Clarke notices Lexa In madi.

Like for example. Everytime madi finds a stick outside she grabbed it and pretends she fighting with someone.

Madi was curintly playing with a stick outside when she ran to Clarke crying

Clarke:"what's wrong baby"

Madi:"I-I dodo"

Clarke:"oh come here let me change you"

Clarke took Madi inside and changed her diapers. Good thing that she found some diapers when she got here or else it would been a huge problem.

Every time Madi pooped herself or peed she began to cry because she didn't like it. But at the same time she didn't know how to potty yet.

When Clarke was pulling up her pants.
Madi stood up and kissed Clarke on the cheek.

Madi:" ank you mama"

Clarke:"Your welcome sweety Anything for you"

Madi:"Mama Madi hungy"

Clarke just began to laugh at how she just said that. Every time Madi wanted to do or did something she some time put her name instead of me

Clarke:"ok let got put a some thing in that belly of yours"


At the bunker

When Octavia and the spy got out of the hidden room.

Indra was hiding near a place that Octavia or the spy new.

In The pass few days Indra has been suspicious in where Octavia keeps going so one day Indra followed them without knowing.
She was planing going inside when they left to see what was in there but there was a pass code that she didn't know so she dicided to wait and confront Octavia when it was time.

But for know she kept think and planing  how she was going to get in that room that she didn't know about intel now.

Indra:"I will find out what's in that room Octavia rather you like it or not"

Since I didn't post one on Sunday I posted this one on today Monday.
But I will still keep posting on the weekends.

Thanks for voting and commenting.
Love you all thanks❤️❤️

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