the start of training camp

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Here's the chapter. I hope that it's long enough to satisfy people.

^^^^^^ Nico's Pov. ^^^^^^

It had been a while since the host (?) city incident and Midoriya was off my trail, so naturally, the fates had to make some more chaos. so of course, that happened in the form of a training camp. This is useless to me for 2 reasons 1. I already have the training,2. hero training is way too simple. but alas I didn't have a choice as everyone was forced to go, the only good thing about this is that Will's coming as a medic, so I won't be alone at the very least. I know for a fact that Todoroki (even though he doesn't show it) is excited, because he can get away from his douchebag of a father, and of course now I'm packing my stuff said douchebag father is having a yell fight with Shoto and it consists of a lot of SHOTO!!!! And B*TCCCHHH! I opted to ignore it as I had grown used to the constant screaming between the two of them.

____________ time skip by the funeral of Percy's pillow pet ___________

(Still Nico's Pov.)

I was on the bus similar to the one we took to the U.S.J. well that's a bad omen if I've ever seen one, I waved it off and tried to listen into the conversation and ended up getting bored and reading harry potter (in the Greek of course) as we went.

I deeply apologize for not posting earlier but just to let you know in advance I might not be posting every day due to the continuous stress of getting chapters out every day so I will strive to at least update every other day :)

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