Nico gets stuck (in tape)

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<<<Nicos pov>>>

All might had arrived,and the first test for the hero class (not counting aizawa) is beginning.Nico is listening of course,but Todoroki had gotten him a "coffee".Nico will admit he isn't as caught up in the modern world as much as he'd hoped after watching an entire Star Wars saga with Will.So he was much more focused on the brown liquid then whatever challenge they had today.But Nico could tell what he was doing.apparently there was an uneven number of students so he was going solo.Which Nico was absolutely fine with (he hadn't felt this alone since Will).At Least he was on the hero side.

—— Slight Time Skip lol ——

The test started with Izuku,and some others.Nico recognized the green haired boy,the one who had a weird 'quirk'.While Nico had no real connection with the boy,even he could admit he was flinching as Katsuki pummeled Izuku.Not to say Deku wasn't holding his own,but he was clearly at a disadvantage.It reminded Nico of when a new kid got on clarisse's bad side,although he only saw the aftermath of those encounters from the infirmary.The others matches however went on without much issue,some of them interesting fights that showed the strengths and weaknesses of the students,others a show of massive force.Todoroki won by a landslide,And Nico was very glad he didn't have to fight with the much larger than expected powers of Todoroki.The fights continued and eventually they led up to Nicos turn.Well this might actually be a bit fun.

— le fight —

Well as it turned out it was not fun.Nico had on the school uniform,as he wasn't able to get a suit in time.He walked up to the building deciding that trying to be stealthy would be harder.The dark haired opened the door,stepping into the building.He walked down the hallway,trying to get a good sense for the floor plan.Now wishing he had paid more attention in to the other students,he made his way through the others hallway.Checking the doors as he past,Nico walked in silence straining to pick up any noise to alert him to the others location.Turns out his opponents weren't on the quiet side.He made his way to the second floor listening closely for voices to locate the tape and red haired kids.eventually he made his way to the room the 'weapon' was being held in.The red haired one was talking loudly to the tape kid about 'manliness' or something.the defense was multiple strings of tape covering the room,and 'Kirishma' who seemed to have a hardening quirk (ha).The ravenette stepped out of the room and into the shadows,concentrating on going right next to the weapon.Nico felt the rush of dark and cold feelings,and stepped out.He landed right next to the weapon and he put his hand on it.

<<< Kirishima pov >>>

Kirishima was just telling Sero how this would be an easy win,since it was 2 against 1.He was saying it wasn't very manly so they should go easy on the poor dude.That was before he heard the bell go off,and found there opponent on the weapon.It would have been alot more scary if he hadn't got caught up in the tape though.He even had to go to recovery girl,cause he couldn't get the tape off.But still something about him unsettled kirishima.

A/N:dw i will post another this week,im sorry :(

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