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^^^^ Nico's Pov. ^^^^

I was sitting in a foldable chair in the corner of the backstage room, tuning the electric guitar I borrowed from Tokoyami watching as Jiro and Mina argued about 'ships'. I got the guitar perfect just as Mina turned towards me and asked me to call Midoriya to see what the holdup was since we were on soon. I typed in the number Mina gave me, personally, devices still confuse me even though Will has explained it to me multiple times. I hold the phone up to my ear, to be met with more ringing when I suddenly hear Midoriya's voice yell and then it cut out. that's great I thought as I set my guitar down, I told Mina I would be back and headed out trying to find the area nearby that had the most hints of death. I felt that it was a small patch in the woods and ran over to it. as I ran, I flew past trees and one very angry squirrel to find Izuku battling some random dude in a dark indigo suit. they were in a heated battle and for some reason suit dude had a glowing pink aura around him, I also decided that I don't like this person as they reminded me of a certain a$$hole love god. Before I could interfere hound dog (A/N I forgot his name but basically the teacher at U.A. who has a hound quirk) came running and knocked the suit dude out. I ran into the fray, grabbed Izuku, and quickly shadow-traveled since we were on in only a few seconds. We appeared next to the backstage door, and I dragged Izuku in as he was in shock as expected after shadow traveling, but right now I wanted him to stop being in shock since he needed to be in the band performance.

Sorry about this being as late as it was, I had a week off and it messed with my schedule, so apologies.

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