stain fight pt.1

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Here's your chapter I'm going to probably split the stain fight into 2 or 3 parts and when I say stain fight, I mean all the time in the city of the stain fight. also, to a comment (which I had to think over) by daughterofApollo759, I saw your request for bkdk and I will not add bkdk for the only reason that the whole Deku shipping community is very confusing and can be very toxic, so I try and avoid shipping Deku with anyone. But I still appreciate the comment

^^^^^^^ Izuku's Pov. ^^^^^^

As the pro heroes were fighting the Nomus (A/N yes, I'm skipping to this scene I'm not going over the time before this because it's boring) I knew I needed to help Ida, so I decided to just run, because if I waste any more time then Ida won't be alive. I ran through the street trying to find the alleyway Ida is in. Eventually, I heard a blade from an alleyway nearby and decided to follow the sound (A/N yes, I made him smarter). I found Ida in front of a pro hero as stain got a slice on him and I was frozen in fear. I ran to protect Ida by standing in front of him so that stain couldn't kill him. I sent out my location after hearing stain's little speech, I used one for all like Grand Torino instructed and got to some high ground, but stain made a small cut on my cheek it's fine it's only a small cut I think but then the stain licks the blood (ew) and I'm paralyzed which I realized is what Ida was screaming about.

^^^^^^ Nico's Pov. ^^^^^^

I was trying to find where Ida was to stop him from getting killed when Midoriya sent his location, so I decided that was my best lead. I was walking towards the location when my demi-senses start tingling (A/N I know this is drifting from cannon but just work with me the plot will even out) and went toward it to see both Midoriya and Ida paralyzed on the ground but stain apparently hadn't seen me yet so I snuck behind him and knocked him out by elbowing his neck enough for him to pass out I knew having bony elbows would help me

Lol, so that's the end of this chapter. I'll get out part 2 tomorrow but that's pretty much all I am going to write today so I hope this chapter is satisfying. Plus, I'm thinking of Will coming along on the wood's training camp thingy

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