(Updated!) Brainstorm [S2]

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Updated 06/30:  After HEAVY consideration, it was decided to remove Lerker's presence completely. This was taken into consideration for the future events, and that there was something else that will take place instead of the original plan. Sorry for those who were interested in Lerker's development </3.

This chapter was formerly known as Pieces [2]

Content Warning: suggestions about bad (spiraling) mental health, depression, and self-loathe.


A Helix of Sentiments


This school was slowly falling apart.

It felt as if with every passing minute that Zara roamed these halls, the more she realizes the awful changes that seemed to have happened all at once. Or perhaps it was a slow erosion the entire time. With a such a long history, it can be safe to assume that many things, many traditions, could have simply lost their original meaning.

Asken Academy was once a school of prestige and honor, Zara thinks, as she walks down the hallway filled with blatant hostile energy and an air of uncomfortableness from every person. The amount of violence that has been increased was simply unacceptable, the lack of adult supervision and interference was unacceptable, the overload of stress onto those in the Head Magnate office was unacceptable.

They were still children, at the end of the day.

Those in charge, the seniors, they might be legally adults as they prepare to graduate from the academy, but Zara has come to realize that eighteen still has the word teen in it. They were still children, and that comes very apparent sometimes.

She told Walker that she would help him, and she intends to fully fulfill her promise. She's helped him already, dealing and separating orders in his office as they chatted and ate snacks together. She's already ahead of the few classes that she has in her final year, but that wasn't anything knew for the Tech type genius Zara Norvani. She already has been approached by some mana engineers for her intellect, although she's not deciding anything until she gets to the bottom of the plague that seems to be roaming rampant through the academy.

She opened the doors to enter the library, where she sees a sight that surprises her. Maxwell was sitting next to a sleeping Walker, who was snoring softly in his arms as he slept. Maxwell flipped the page over, reading whatever small novel that was in his hands as he stuck beside Walker like a quiet bodyguard.

Zara couldn't help but smile at the sight.

They hadn't seen Maxwell in a while due to his own course load and his interest in business and politics, but it was nice to see the Clever Trio back together again for the time being. She ignores the small bags under Walker's eyes as she takes a seat in front of Maxwell, who glanced up with hardened eyes that softened once he realized who she was. He let out a small sigh of relief and smiled,

"Zara." He greeted warmly.

"Max!" Zara chirped back and Maxwell held out a hand for her to grasp and squeeze before falling back to himself. He gently set his book down and glanced down at Walker, before reaching her eyes again. Zara stayed quiet once she realized that Maxwell had something to say.

"It's different around here." Maxwell started off conversationally.

Zara hummed for him to continue and took note of his hesitance, feeling a slowly building bud of concern inside of her. Maxwell just sighed as he suddenly looked very tired, and he whispered,

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