There Are More Sides to This Story [S1]

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RUN, a voice Samuel didn't recognize, told him.

Samuel ran as fast as he could through the woods of Asken Academy, clutching his arm as he bolted. He was seethed as he bit his lip raw, trying to hold back the screams of pain that want to crawl out of his throat. It felt like his veins were on fire, and it was taking everything to move his body to a safer place away from annoying passerby.

Soon Samuel judges that he's enough distance from his attackers, and he immediately slows down to slump his body against the tree. He coughs and huffs, slowly sliding down the trunk as he regains his bearings, but the damage has been done. His eyes were flickering, the eerie purple that hounded his irises were pulsing, the power losing strength.

Eventually his eyes rolled to the back of his head, and he opened his mouth once more to let the purple smoke release.

And strangely, the burning stops.

Savoring the sweet moment of utter peace from the dreadful confusion, Samuel promptly passes out soon after again the tree bark, left bleeding in the middle of the woods, unconscious.


Number 7's eyes snapped opened as they screamed, feeling as if liquid fire was in their veins. They fell off their bed and crouched into their self as they cried, screaming at the never-ending pain.

The door to their room slammed open, and another figure rushed in looking around with heavy concern before finding Number 7 on the ground, hollowing. They paled and immediate rushed to their side.

"Kas---Seven, what---" They rambled. Number 7 looked through their tears to see who was with them, and saw the number four on their robes. Internally they let out a quick sigh of relief, this was an ally. Number 4 stared helplessly at their comrade, looking for anything that they could do to help but ended up fruitless. They were getting a little bit teary eye'd at the sound of pure pain coming from their friend, and decided that the best course of action would be to carry them to her.

Miss Morrigan. She would know what to do.

Number 4 shifted their position so that they could slip Number 7 on their back, and lifted their body. Number 7 cried at the sudden shift of movement, but Number 4 had to concentrate as they prepared to run to get help. They ran like hell out of the room, down the hall.

With Number 7's cries, it wasn't long before people were peeking out of the room to see what was going on. Number 4 ignored the whispers and stares, but was growing even more worried for the person they was carrying. Number 7 was slowly lowering in volume, their body resting heavier on Number 4's back as they ran. That probably wasn't a good sign, Number 4 thought as they forced themselves to move faster.

They kicked the door open immediately when they finally reached their destination, yelling for Miss Morrigan on the top of their lungs.


Morrigan sultered out from the side of her lab, looking disgusting. "Excuse me, boy? Where are your mann--". It only took one look at the unconscious Number 7 and the anxious Number 4 carrying them to tell that something was terribly wrong. Morrigan tsked in annoyance and moved to get her gloves. Oh how she just wanted to continue to experiment, but these pesks kept getting in the way.

"Put her down over there." Morrigan ordered, turning her back to prepare. She tied her hair back and slipped on some special goggles (ones with half a mask attached to it) before looking back at the young lady on one of her tables. She didn't bother looking at Number 4 as she check Number 7's vitals.

"Well, the good news is that she's not dead. Good, because it would be difficult to replace her due to her useful Eternys ability. On second thought maybe it's a bad thing she's alright...I'd like to dissect her, how fun..." Morrigan trailed off, mid diagnosis and Number 4 had to clench his jaw to control himself, "Focus, please..miss.".

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