(Updated!) Bliss [S2]

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Updated 06/30: Minor grammar and some sentences reworked. Nothing major removed.


Plunge Into the World of the Damned


They have been walking in the weird underground tunnel system that, only Cora seemed to know about, for a while now. 

Blaine was utterly lost at what was going on in the last couple of hours, but once Cora announced that they'd be able to rest soon after they reached a safe-house, it couldn't help but feel immense relief. He, along with the others, could barely stand.

It didn't help that the rest of the group was in silent as they walked together, Cora only spoke up to give directions but that was it. The sudden encounter with Maelstrom had shaken everyone to their core, at least those who knew who they really were. For others that were unaware, it just left many questions.

Loaded questions that would have to be answered after a solid rest.

"When we reach the destination, we're going to stay there only for the night. Once everyone wakes up, we'll head over to the original location we were going to before we were attacked. It's not too far, thankfully." Cora murmured to everyone as they trekked in the darkness. There were small lights that barely helped and all they knew was to stay close to Cora without a doubt.

Once they finally reached the safehouse, Blaine didn't bother to change his grimy clothes or at least wash his clothes. He will definitely cringe in the morning but for now,

He dropped his dead weight onto the first bed he saw and passed completely out.




Blaine opened his eyes and let him gasp in shock as he looked at his surroundings. Hues of pink, purple, and silver danced violently around him as he fell through the sky. The wind blew harshly in his ears as he free-falled, back towards the ground wherever it may be. Blaine looked around as he fell to see if there was anything that he could identify but wasn't having such luck.

After a couple minutes of plummeting, Blaine decided that he's had enough of the confusion for a lifetime and decided that he'll just fall. He could use this time to think about other stuff anyway.

The first thought that came to mind was Maelstrom, which made Blaine clench a fist at the thought of the organization. He clenched in anger that they dared to even still operate after what they did, although he knows that a single death wouldn't change a whole cause's plans. He also felt a pang of anger for himself and mentally berating his own actions during the carriage incident, as he briefly recalled the play-by-play of the entire incident.

He had lost control.

Blaine thought he was getting better with that, really.

It seemed like he had a long way to go and that was a pretty frustrating fact. He knows his emotions fueled his mana and the output power of his magic, but sometimes he really did wish there was another way. Blaine has learned over the years that being a hothead on a battlefield is like a double-edged weakness.

Well, Minami should be proud for now, Blaine mentally sighed. At least he's now self-conscious to know that he had made a critical error during the fight. 

Minami did well to instill those drills into him. It was annoying at the time but incredibly beneficial now. Even if he comes to regret what happens during this knighternship, he doesn't regret learning from her. She was sassy and claims to not give a shit half the time, but her friendship with Blaine was growing to be something like a weird-fighting sibling relationship.

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