Demise [S1]

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"Death is quite an absolute thing, you know, in theory."

Blaine stared at the god who gave him a sharp smile, eyes gleaming with curiosity. His orange hair was slicked back on his dark skin, head tilted as he paused, giving Blaine a look-over. His dark blue navy suit looked surprisingly modern, considering the era they were in.

"Sometimes we get an anomaly, you know. It's the way things go no matter what universe I'm in, there's bound to be something mysterious that pops up every once in a while."

Baladan chuckled.

"Yet, you just have to be the most baffling. Your existence simply threatens many things that should be absolute, and yet here we are."

"Yet here I am." Blaine finally speaks up. He looks at the god warily, not sure of what his next movements could be.

"Now, normally I like a good ole bit of fun, you know. I've seen pretty much every form of death there is. So imagine my shock when I feel something quite odd in one realm and I follow the trail to another! At least I thought you'd be an interesting thing to view from the sidelines, until I felt it."

Blaine furrowed his brows in confusion. What was Baladan talking about? Then it hit him, he was reminded of Yena's sudden reaction in her realm when she unexpectedly started to draw her power. She seemed alarmed and Blaine remembered her saying something about the balance being out of order, which was odd since that was practically Yena, being chaos and all. Blaine wasn't sure what to make of everything that has seemed to have happened in the span of a couple hours, but at least he might have a clue as to what Baladan was is talking about.

"The balance...somethin's wrong with it." Blaine said cautiously.

"You know? Oh? What else do you know? Tell me everything, there simply has never been someone like you before. Do you gain extra powers, here? What a fascinating discover you are."

Blaine felt even more uncomfortable. Baladan took a step forwards towards Blaine's bed and Blaine realized why he felt that way. His demeanor was different, his mouth was saying one thing, but his eyes and actions said another with each sharp step towards Blaine. Baladan stared into Blaine's eyes for a moment, before snatching him by the throat and lifting him up as if he was nothing.

Blaine's eyes widened in alarm as he grabbed Baladan's hand, trying to pull it off his throat. He squirmed in his grasp but Baladan held firm, eyes narrowing as he kept Blaine at arm's length. Blaine was starting to drool, choking sounds becoming louder the more he struggled against Baladan's hold.

"Ultimately, you're too risky, boy. It's one thing to travel beyond your universe but it's another to inhabit someone else's body. Damage control is a thing, you know, no matter what, where, or who you are. I must take you out before anything worse potentially happens."

Suddenly Baladan grinned, bringing Blaine's face close to his. "You may curse me in the after life as you please, Trevor Blaine."

Blaine's eyes started to roll in the back of his head as he gasped and struggled, but what could he do against a god's hold? As it currently stands, there's only one way to defeat a god.

The appearance of another.

A familiar flash came into the room, before Baladan was purposely blasted away from Blaine. Blaine was dropped abruptly from the hold and fell on his knees as he coughed harshly, gasping for breath. Yena stepped in front of him, giving Baladan an unamused look.

"Now what is the god of dead doing killing someone, hmm? Aren't you more of a..passive 'wait-till-they-drop' sort of person, Baladan?"

Baladan rubbed his jaw and scoffed, before looking at Yena incredulously, "Yena? Dear heavens, I haven't seen you in my domain in a millennia! How are you, sexy?"

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