Strommale (Part One): Inquiry and Infiltration [S1]

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< Day One >


Blaine walked into class, wrapped up in some bandages from his exchange with Samuel. Seeing Blaine in a bruised state was a typical norm however, which is why no one batted an eye when he came into the room in that state. With his reputation of violence and fighting prowness, it wasn't hard to guess what had happened.

Blaine sat down next to Walker this time, who glance at him in slight surprise before facing their professor and jotting down notes.

"..your bandage is lopsided."

"Ah, shit.." Blaine mumbled as he yawned and stretched. Walker just huffed out a chuckle behind his hand as he rested against it while writing. Blaine threw an arm around Walker's chair, and slumped back in his seat as he stared dully at the professor in the front. Walker didn't even blink at the motion, starting to notice and understand that this is just Blaine's way of communication.

Walker didn't know how he felt about it at first, but he's slowly growing used to these casual forms of physical touch. It wasn't common for other people to touch each other like this so frequently that weren't family, but Blaine has yet again went against the norms when it comes to the unspoken societal rules. Robbie is the same way, Walker quietly mused, another odd one in the world of nobility.

Must be a Faskus thing.

"Oh right, I got to catch you up on what happened."

"What happened?" Walker shot up, shooting Blaine a concerned look. Blaine gave him a solemn look in return and began to fill him in with what happened when they split up to take care of multiple things at once.

Walker pinched the bridge of his nose and groaned once Blaine finished.

"Great Cyrain, give me strength."

"Help us all." Blaine muttered, glancing around the room for their target. His eyes caught Robbie's who was across the room, the latter shaking his head. Zara and Robbie was supposed to be watching for Samuel, while Maxwell and Cora were searching for Alastair among the students trickling in for class. Vinnie said he was going to go on his own, which didn't bother Blaine at all. He didn't care what that asshole did.

Blaine closed his eyes and called out to Maxwell, who was towards the front.

Any luck, Max? -

Nope, I don't see him or Alexander yet -

"Fuck." Blaine sighed.


"They aren't here yet."

Time passes by, and then they saw Alastair and Alexander walk in. Blaine and Walker let out a simultaneous sigh of relief as they made their way to walk past the pair. Alastair and Blaine made eye contact as they walked by, the former shooting a glare. Blaine just flicked him off and mouthed, "Fucker." before taking his attention to Alexander. Alexander stared at him, and for a moment Blaine thought that he was going to do something to him because of what he said to Alastair.

But as usual, Alexander gave him a slightly amused look but schooled his features to a cold, elegant presence that he was known for. Walker and Alexander exchanged cool looks as they walked past, but Blaine held back a laugh when Walker ignored Alastair who glares at him as well.

That seemed to irritate Alastair more than Blaine's actions, but when he went to take a step forward with idiotic intentions, Blaine's eyes narrowed dangerously, and he quietly flared his mana menancingly.

He gave Alastair a cold look, which made him freeze and flinch a little bit before scoffing and turning around to storm off. Alexander chuckled at the sight of Blaine, and calmly gave Walker a look before walking away to trail the Crown Prince of Asnos.

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