Field of View [S1]

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"I've successfully begun to plant the seed in the target, ma'am."

A robed figure wearing a cone-shaped kasa hat, was kneeling in front of a female who was peering at samples of some sort but has yet to spare a glance at the person kneeling before her.

The female wore a mask, covering half her face. The masked side is what faced the robed figure, concealing the other side of her face as she continued with her actions.

"Good work, Number 7." A hand swirled, a concoction, bubbles and popping sounds could be heard as a result. Like an acid of some sort. The robed figure was curious to see what her leader was making, but they knew the cost of raising their heads in her presence without permission.

Number 4 has a burn scar to show for it.

"Do you think you'll be able to control Alastair, personally?"

The robed figure shook their head, "It seems unlikely. I got lucky that I made direct contact with Samuel Flintspire on a whim, but the Worchestor child stands in the way for Alastair."

The masked figure tsked, letting out a sigh. "Pity. Would have made things a lot easier if it was possible, but I don't want to mess with the Worchestor child. Getting into the bad graces of the War God Gunnar is not on the list."

Number 7 bit their tongue, trying to hold themselves back from screaming, Yet you will test the Sun God Cyrain's graces by involving yourself with Alastair?

"I know what you're thinking." Masked woman said teasingly, causing Number 7 to flinch, startled.

"Why mess with Alastair, and induce Cyrain's wrath, no? It's a valid thought, but so simple minded." A smirk ran across her face at the thought.

"Number 7 tell me, have you heard of "The Absolutes"?"

Number 7 hesitated before shaking their head.

"Pity. It's the reason for all of this, the mission of Maelstrom."

Number 7 eyes widened underneath their kasa, voicing their confusion, "I thought the mission of Maelstrom was to get rid of the corruption of Reverence, King Frederic and the followers of Cyrain?"

The mask woman laughed, the chilling sound echoing throughout the room as Number 7 fell silent once more.

"So so simple minded. Now stop asking questions, and get out. I've grown tired of your ignorance."

Number 7 stood up swiftly, eager to leave. They bowed, "Glory to Maelstrom's Morrigan.", and left as quietly as they entered. Morrigan didn't say anything else as she continued with her experiments.


The good news was that Cora was able to grab the glasses in the end, so Blaine's punishment has some worth after all. It doesn't change the fact that he's still on probation, but at least he doesn't feel guilty anymore.

Speaking of probation.

Blaine crashed to the ground in the middle of the abandoned arena, Ryker circling around him tsking. He shakes his head with disappointment, "You're letting your emotions dictate your movements again, you're too predictable."

Blaine gritted his teeth, letting out a harsh breath from his nostril as he launched from the ground again. He positioned his body as if he was going after Ryker with a fast punch, before dropping his body mid air to sweep for his legs.

Ryker merely chuckled as he jumped with ease, spinning to gain momentum for a mid-air kick to Blaine's face, watching him tumble across the grass from the impact. Blaine groaned from the ground, not making a move to attempt to counter-attack.

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