Observations [S1]

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"..I can't believe he did this to me." Vinnie Worchestor said weakly as he sat on the floor in Blaine's bedroom. He had a towel wrapped around him, which he used to dab some sweat and small blood trinkles occasionally as Walker patched him up a little bit.

The plan was for them to move him to the infirmary after they stopped the major cuts from bleeding. Vinnie wasn't going to die, but it was really messy and he didn't want to track blood all over the hallway. That'll lead to questions and rumors, which were never beneficial.

"I can." Blaine muttered, and Walker shot him a nasty look signaling him to shut up. Robbie crossed his arms and sighed as he sat in front of Vinnie, with a solemn expression on his face.

"Mind telling us what happened?" Robbie asked gently.

Vinnie sighed.

"I was.." He then mumbled something incoherent, and all three boys around him strained their ears to attempt at hearing what he said but to no avail.

"Uh...repeat that?" Blaine spoke up.

"I was hunting down Cora."

Blaine was immediately on defense, and so were the others. Walker even froze patching his face up, narrowing his eyes as he made Vinnie face him. Walker raised an eyebrow, "Come again?"

Robbie whistled, and scratched the back of his head. "Jeez, "hunting down" is such a strong term. She kill your family or something? Goddamn."

"She stole something from me, and I intend on getting it back."

It was Blaine's turn to raise an eyebrow, Cora didn't seem like the type to steal at all from all of the times he's interacted with her. Yes, she was a Shadow type but that doesn't mean she's out here using her magic for bad intentions. As far as Blaine was concerned, Vinnie was definitely leaving some information out.

Walker crossed his arms and backed up from Vinnie, pausing his ministrations.

"So what exactly did she "steal" from you?"

Vinnie snapped his mouth shut and looked away, glaring at the floor. Blaine's patience was being pushed to the limit as he got up from his bed and grabbed Vinnie by the shirt. Robbie let out a warning sound, probably telling him to be gentle or something. Walker was strangely quiet as he observed the altercation.

"Look here asshole. You're fuckin' bleeding out in my room as I so graciously let you in when I saw you were in need. Unless you want to get kicked out, you better start talking."

Vinnie snorted, wincing a little when Blaine tightened his grip on his shirt which rubbed against a wound. "You only let me in and helped solely because a certain Holtridge was the one who helped me and led me here. Let's be honest with ourselves, hmm?"

Silence sounded in the room.

Blaine slowly turned red with slight embarrassment, he couldn't help but shoot Walker a quick look but he avoided eye contact with him. Robbie had turned around so that no one else couldn't see the incredulous laugh that was building up inside him, but Blaine's eye twitched at his best friend's reaction anyways.

He knows Robbie was trying not to laugh, and he knows it's just a coping mechanism for when something unexpected happens and he doesn't know what to do.

He's still getting his ass beat after this.

Walker was the first to clear the silence, after clearing his throat.

"Regardless if Blaine reasoning for doing this was solely..me, he still accepting the offer and therefore you do have some obligation to respect him back and at least tell us why you're accusing our friend of stealing."

[BL] The Marquis's Scum SonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon