(Updated!) Take A Moment to Breathe and Assess [S2]

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Updated 06/30: Minor adjustments.


It was silent when he woke up.

Nothing but the soft lull of bios healing being applied to his bodied as Blaine laid in a rather expensive looking room that didn't look like your typical patient room. Immediately, Blaine clenched his teeth as he tried not to let out a small groan of agony, as was the price of bios healing. It is extremely effective, but wasn't one to mitigate pain typically.

There were three magic types that were best attuned to healing.

Hydros, Bios, and Solar. In order of least to greatest, the effectiveness of healing increases but so does the pain. Solar healing was the most effective but costly if used incorrectly. It has the potential to heal even the deadliest of wounds, manipulating the cellular light energy that all beings have making it possible to make it as if it was brand new.

It also had the potential to over heal, causing your body to grow unnatural parts or gain appendages due to the overdrive of the cells. It was dangerous.

One could die from healing, when Solar magic becomes the main factor.

Ironic, isn't it?

Blaine winced as he glanced around the room. He saw Robbie sleep in the chair across of his bed, drooling on his arm as he snored softly. Blaine let out a small smile at the sight of his best friend, silently grateful to see that he seemed to have been here at least. He suddenly heard a ruffling page that caught his attention and turned his head in that direction next. It was Minami who was sitting with correct posture, with one leg crossed over the other, reading some texts in her lap.

She looked tired.

They all did, as Blaine doubled back to take a look at a sleeping Robbie. He had bags under his eyes, and upon further inspection, small bruises and cuts littered his body. Minami was the same. Blaine furrowed his eyebrows at the sight.

What had happened while he was unconscious?

"Minami," Blaine rasped before let out a dry cough as he realized his throat was parched. Minami's eyes darted up at the sound of her name and her eyes widened slightly as she realized that Blaine was finally conscious. She immediately looked around and found a lone glass of water, whisking it and handing it to Blaine, who half-smiled his thanks. She sat back down with a tired "hmph" and leaned back with a long, exasperated sigh.

It was silence once more, once Blaine finished downing the water. Minami just sat with her head turned while Blaine sat up slowly, looking down at his lap as he awaited judgement. He knew it was coming, it was Minami's M.O. If you fuck up, she'll tear you a new one first, but then she'll teach a better way from her vast knowledge of experience, and somehow someway, you feel rejuvenated to try again.

But she's quiet.

It felt so off.

"I'm sorry." Blaine whispered softly. He didn't know why he was feeling rather vulnerable. Maybe it was because he truly had no idea if he survived the fight or not, as he dreamed of Walker again. Like a moment of peace or something, before he went to the afterlife again. He let out a small sniff at the thought.

Oh god.

Oh fuck.

He almost died again.

He slapped a hand over his eyes as he clenched his face, quietly begging the tears to stop as they began to fall. A fist was clenched into the sheets, twisting them as he tried to hold back his soft cries. It came like a wave, really, and he simply couldn't stop it. Blaine's always been attune to his emotions. He's cried plenty of times, has gotten angry even more. But he shouldn't be crying right now, not when he fought to protect his friends and took Robbie's place into the ring.

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