Day 103: Eddie's Heart (Eddie)

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Eight days had passed since you and Sarah returned back to her house

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Eight days had passed since you and Sarah returned back to her house. You had enjoyed every day since you were able to be back with Sarah. She was the joy in your day, night and every time in between.

The first few days you made her stay in bed, carrying her to the bathroom, making sure she was healing...but by the third day she became irritated with her lack of independence.

Sarah would huff and pour her lips. It was the cutest thing you ever saw. Then she would sign, "I'm a big girl Eddie!"

And then I would kiss her, I wanted to conquer those soft and supple lips till she would push on my chest because she needed a breath.

By the fifth day...Sarah was getting up and down okay and she was able to independently wash and eat. I was a bit bummed about the last part as I was getting used to bathing and feeding her. I wanted to be around her all the time, it was becoming a problem.

Her cast was removed and she just needed a splint with a metal case, I was still trying to avoid hitting her hands, or really anything that may bring her pain. I loved being able to feel like I was taking care of her. That my presence was for more than kissing. Though the kissing was better and better, the return had sparked a fire in Sarah... you kept telling her to wait till she was healed... but she was adamant to the point she tore a few stitches and Nancy made us leave the door open from now on.

This didn't really stop her, she would leave marks all over me, she loved to explore my body and we had been talking about new positions and activities she wanted to try or "green" light after her hand was better.

By the eighth day I was starting to feel a bit blue balled by Nancy, she would rush in before I even got my pants off sometimes.

The other problem, well it was Gareth, he still had yet to visit her. He said he would once he broke the news to his mom and talked through with her what to do. He wanted to provide a healthy family dynamic for Sarah, a mom and sister, not just him as a brother.

I get it. He's always so responsible, but she took the avoidance hard. She kept it to herself but sometimes she would see the sketches of Ozzie and I know she was feeling left behind. It was a look I knew from myself. I didn't want her feeling that way, but I wasn't the person she needed to tell her how much she meant to them.

I called him. I was pissed. I told him she had me... hell she had Nancy, the extra people would just add worry and you didn't want your girl to worry about anything.

"Your a fucking coward Gareth. I thought you were better than this. You should see how sad she is." I rubbed my face as I paced with the phone.

"Eddie. I'm sorry, but she will be okay. I have to think about my mother to. This doesn't all revolve around Sarah. I'll come by later this week. I don't like this either, you think I enjoy bringing bad memories on my mother?" His voice was rough, he hadn't been at school and he was avoiding band practice. He even asked Jonathan to fill in for him on drums.

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