Day 75: Green Means Go

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Dear Diary ...

It's been five days since I found out that my grandmother was gone...

That my parents had requested I relinquish half of my inheritance to them...

And yet...all I can think about is the fact that today is the day I go get myself a bank account. Doesn't that sound so adult, I was scared to grow up and more importantly I was scared of what it meant to not have someone to take care of things I couldn't do.

Nancy started writing things down a lot more, she had me cook, clean and mend things. I liked being useful and especially like that she didn't yell or throw things when I didn't get it the first time.

The bank account was so that I could properly transfer the money from my grandmother. We were supposed to set it up then plan for her funeral. Nancy promised that she would take me after school, but I was really nervous as it seemed like an adult step forward and in reality I didn't have too many ideas of what was going to happen after I graduate.

What could I do? I knew I couldn't be a doctor or a teacher, it was hard enough learning to be around the regular public, but to support them, it almost seemed like a far off dream.

As I pondered career choices and other questions that filled my brain... well....Eddie bombarded me with kisses and questions about what to do after the bank account adventure, he had wanted to spend almost every moment with me he could, it was so sweet, but you were concerned about this growing ache you were feeling for him.

The places you had touched, the ways he made you feel, well it was starting to not be enough. He bounced around the lunchroom until we decided that a movie date sounded like the best idea.

He practically was showing off to the Hellfire table, so much so that you were sure your blushing cheeks were showing to all the kids at the table.

Gareth patted my head, "He is just trying to get you alone." His signing was almost perfect now, Nancy had said he was a perfect student and it showed.

You smiled at him, he had been there when you needed a friend. Gareth was worse than Eddie about being overprotective, ever since he heard about Andy and your parents, well he had been overly bothersome to others even frowning in your direction.

Gareth had gotten into three fights with Jason and Andy. All were not recorded with the school, every time a teacher had happened upon the fight, well Gareth had been the loser and no one wanted to intrude on Andy or Jason's futures.

You can't suspend the kids losing can you...

Gareth had other plans as he had almost broken a few of Jason's fingers, he wanted nothing more than for him to not play basketball for the rest of the season. Would apparently serve him right for being such a... what did he call him... a numb nut?

Eddie had to keep telling him to knock it off, you wanted nothing more than to do with Andy, but Gareth was adamant someone had to make them suffer. I didn't want anyone to suffer, but I also didn't want Gareth to feel I didn't appreciate his support, so I would thank him and show concern when he was hurt.

It was enough to slow his drive to fight for you. Now he would just wait, he said he wouldn't start the fights anymore and the two other boys stopped bullying Eddie altogether.

Eddie was particularly excited for your bank account as he wanted you to be able to feel more independent. He stated that having your own money and saving was a good thing. He was ready to be an adult and travel the world, play for grand stadiums and be the rock star he always believed he would be.

He was also letting me know that he had started saving as well, he got too excited and it resulted in him pulling me onto his lap at the lunchroom table. I blushed as he pulled out his notepad, "Do you want to maybe live with me after we graduate? We can travel together and see everything!"

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