Day 1: Meet Cute

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Dear Diary....

It was just another day  at Hawkins High. Students walked around with their smiles on their  faces, holding hands, jumping up and down, hurrying to lockers to start  conversations with each other.

Then  there was me. I always wondered what it would be like to join in and be  apart of the conversation with the other students. If they would like  the way my voice sounds, the way my laugh sounds, if they would get my  sense of humor.

I finally get to my locker and there is Will. He is always there, he is my only friend. His smile says everything, "Hey Sarah."

"Hey Will. How. Are. You?" I sign the words slowly. Though Will is still learning sign language he is getting better every day.

Oh,  I forgot to mention I am hard of hearing. I guess I just don't think  to mention something that has been a part of my life... well always.  Since I was hindered or dealt a bad hand as my father says, I try extra  hard to not stand out and make my way through life. I am studying hard  to become a teacher for other hindered children. I want to be there for  others the way I never had someone for me.

Will  breaks my chain of thought with the small notepad he carries around  just for me, "I learned the word for school and book yesterday. Can we  practice?" He scribbles relentlessly down on the pad.

His face is a big smile, he is always so eager to help and learn. You couldn't ask for a better friend. Though he is freshman and you are a senior, it's nice to have anyone to interact with.Your world had been so dark prior to Will asking for help with his math.

You offered tutoring services, but you had found others were not as accommodating of you having to write down your explanations as Will was. You now edit college essays, preview worksheets and grade pop quizzes for teachers.

Will taps you on the shoulder and you smile, "Go. Ahead." again trying not to overwhelm him.

Will smiles and enunciates each word, speaking each of  the words as I read them, then repeats himself, this is helping me with  reading lips. Will was sweet enough to work with me. He sometimes  had clubs he went to after school now, but the few moments we get to really be there for each other I treasure.  I smile.

I never smile outside of being with Will.

Will was waiting to see what I would like to do, did I want to help him with the new words? I nod and sign "Yes. I would like that very much." Oh no that was a lot of words. I grab the notepad and write what I just signed, then go again just like he does.

Will smiles and understands. He then writes, "You don't have to hide from me." Repeat. Repeat. He was always so patient.

We  agree to meet after school at his brother's car, Jonathan was also  learning sign language but so that he can help Will. He was a nice  person, but you could tell you made him nervous. You made everyone  nervous, everyone except Will.

Will started to look around, "Bell" he signs. I nod as I had a natural feeling for when classes start and finish. I had to really be creative, Hawkins wasn't known for its hearing impaired or really any students needing extra help. You were an anomaly, you were a hindrance.

You waved at Will as he signed "Goodbye" running off to his other friend who looked at you with interested. There was a curl haired one that always tried talking largely with his mouth at you. Will would always smack him and tell him to stop. You didn't mind, he wasn't scared of you, he just wanted to figure out a way to interact.

Classes were the same... the dull silence with sudden vibrations due to idiotic people dropping things near my feet. The worst parts always involved the smirks or scowls from the cheerleaders. I twirled the mess of blonde hair I had into a bun, but I had taken it down as there were several notes passed about seeing my hearing aids. I really didn't let it bother me anymore, the written words didn't hurt.

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