Day 120: A Testament to Courage

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Dear Diary

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Dear Diary...

Eight days had passed since Nancy went to the hospital. She was an absolute mess at home. I had convinced Eddie that I needed to be home more. He reluctantly agree.

Mike was worse than her. He made sure to clean his room, help with chores, and he never answered back. Nancy was more irritated that we were so accommodating than that she was hurt. Mike and her fought, he wanted her to rest, take time off school and work. She tested on the weekends, but she refused to let this completely destroy or derail her plans.

Mike would sit outside her door sometimes, I could see him crying and his mouth moving. I wasn't sure what was going on.

Eddie one time poked his head out my door and brought me close to his chest. He nuzzled into my neck as he wrote, "We should leave them be. Sounds like Nancy is upset and Mike is trying to talk her down."

I never wanted to hear more than at this time. To be able to know when she was alone and vulnerable. It was like a barrier between us, she didn't want to lean on me.

I pulled from Eddie and signed, "No. She needs me to."

Eddie nodded and put his fingers to his lips, this caught Mike's attention and he nodded as I walked over, he moved to the side, allowing me to open the door and go in.

I wasn't sure what to expect. I wasn't sure what was making Mike so upset, but when I walked in there I saw Nancy curled in the corner of the room, she looked up and her red eyes still had a smile in them when she saw me.

I closed the door behind me, "can I be here for you like you were for me?" I signed and waited. Nancy uncurled and brought her hands up, "I'm so sad. Sarah I'm so unbelievably sad. I know it's not Jonathan's fault... I know it's not my fault... but I can't stop crying."

I walked over slowly, "Then don't, let it all out."

I sat down next to her and she started to cry again as I embraced her. I wanted her to know we were here. She had been so strong, so responsible and so Nancy that we took that for granted.

I think we sat there for hours, my butt went numb and I watched Nancy jolt when she pulled away, "someone is knocking." She signed.

I nodded, "you okay to get visitors?"

"Can you call Jonathan... I think I'll be okay to see him now..." Nancy was careful to sign each letter of Jonathan's name, "Thank you Sarah."

I nodded and kissed the top of her head as I walked towards the door, I looked outside and smiled. Jonathan was standing there he matched my eyes and handed me a notepad, "Can I please go in?"

I nodded and wrote down the words he'd been waiting for, "She asked for you."



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